Marc`s DIY 900g Inwall System

Awesome Marc! Thanks for the pics and updates!!

So the 4 Becketts get pressurized from the top chamber, and the air chamber is separate, correct? Did you just use O rings to seperate the 2?

The becketts are still individually fed from the top.(4 inputs)
I originally wanted to feed them with an individual chamber at the top, but was concerned about the pressure on my (below par) acrylic seams in this compartment, escpecially if the becketts were to get a little clogged.

Im sure one could make one, and surely it would be easier to make with one larger diam hole in it.
But i definatly would have used a little more meatier acrylic for that part, like 1/2 tube and flanges.

Chocolates, i look pretty much anywhere i can find the right ones. :D

Thanks all, Tony......That 280 should be atleast half full of water by now my friend ! lemme know if i can fire a couple frags in there to start the collection.

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All the hard work that I see you put into this definitely payed off. This is just beautiful and totally innovative. A real inspiration. I keep thinking it wont get any better but then the next update its even better.
Tanning bed or a Scalp burner ?


A little backwards, but i found a few pics that buckled my knees...from about 3 million hours of labour ago. :D




The thickness of the polyester portion of the fiberglassing... :eek1:


Here i was testing an injector for the skimmer....turned the tank into a 500 gal skimmer ! :eek1:



Finally a few more recent top downs, i guess its time to place a halide or two above the canopy, so the view isnt so dim when its moved.



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ok, how the heck did I NEVER see this thread..

dang buddy.. I really need to drive out to the 'Wack one of these days..


bout time I get to see that thing with water in it.. ;)
That looks stunning Marc. Thanks for the update, and for the older pictures from the past.

We don't see a lot of plywood tank threads.
Thanks all for the compliments,

Any time Darren, bout time for a pub burger and a corona on the patio anyways dont you think ? :D

GMGQ , I vacume it weekly and what extra sand gets vacumed out, i replace when i see the bottom.

I would guess that ive vacumed out about 20-30 lbs since i put sand back in.
I also notice that with heavy current and wave boxes, it helps to keep the bed clean.

I've always loved the top down shots of the aquascape. I've had this thread bookmarked for a few months now, just though I'd say very nice tank and keep up the good work.
Hey Marc your system is spectacular. Well planned and thought out. The oval viewing window is stunning. Cant wait to see it grow out.
Well done.