Has anyone seen this ?
Has anyone seen this ?
Of cause
This type of media has been around for decades. But, what we as reef keepers are finding is that if you use 10 X as much media as the manufacturers claim is needed, You will lower your nitrates and phosphates.
This is also the first reef tank that I have ever had that wasn't packed full of " PO4 leaching live rock" So once I found that other people were getting good results with Matrix, I bought a bunch and put it in a canister filter. I hooked it up to my tank for a few weeks ( I also dosed Prodibio Bioclean) then proceeded to remove the live rock from my tank. 6 or so weeks later PO4 was no longer registering on my tests (no color change). I did a test on my tap water and I did see a color change on the test, so I know the solutions are still good.
My experience is almost similar - 10 liter Siporax in the coast to coast overflow 350 liter aquarium total.
30ppm nitrate and 0.08 phos to begin with- no bac additions except adding this media and two weeks later nitrate at 3ppm phos 0.00
I am looking forward to returning to my aquarium in a couple of months to see both the maturation of the media and to stock the tank with some SPS.
Maybe I might stack the Siporax in an orderly fashion if the filtration requires it.
Furthermore this tank has no live rock as you can see, I removed the liverock the day I put the Siporax in the coast to coast.
Photo taken a month ago.
I know the saying three's a crowd, but I have to wonder. Has anyone here looked at Eheim Substrat Pro?
It is:
- made from the same material as Siporax, sintered glass
- has more total surface area per liter of the material when compared to siporax (but less than matrix):
- form factor: round material = no cylinder holes for detritus to accumulate and easier to shake loose detritus from its container.
I have never used matrix in fresh (used the other two in fresh) and I had seen some online reviews that showed the lack of consistency in the type of stones seachem matrix packages comes with so I am thinking substrat pro might have something to offer here as well. I look forward to hear everyone's thoughts and experiences with this material.
How quickly do you all expect to see results? I added 1 lt of siporax to my 40B over week ago and haven't seen even the slightest tick downward using a salifert NO3 test. Two days ago I added a second liter. I'm hoping that 2 liters of siporax will provide some reduction, right? BTW, my tank has been hovering around 7 ppm for over a year. What would be a realistic expectation of 2L of siporax in a 40B?
I'm sort of the person who keeps digging a bit more once he starts looking into things. I sorta hit upon a eureka moment. One online review mentioned that Matrix looks like pumice stones. And I began to have vague recollections of what pumice is and decided to look it up on wiki...
Pumice "... consists of highly vesicular rough textured volcanic glass.. "
" It forms when volcanic gases exsolving from viscous magma form bubbles that remain within the viscous magma as it cools to glass. "
Even the origin of Seachem's product name "Matrix" can be found here:
"Pumice is created when super-heated, highly pressurized rock is violently ejected from a volcano....The simultaneous cooling and depressurization freezes the bubbles in a matrix...."
Seachem Matrix is a naturally occuring "porous stone" (quoting Seachem) that sounds and looks a lot like pumice (when it walks like a duck and talks like a duck.. ) while siporax and substrat pro are manufactured fritted or sintered glass that seems to basically emulate the physical properties that pumice has.
This isn't a knock against Matrix. There's certainly grading and cleansing process these will go through for various industrial or cosmetic applications and there are costs involved in that process. In fact I'd pick Matrix over pumice aggregate as the grading and cleansing has been done for me. Siporax and Substrat pro have physical forms that are advantageous to use in hobby applications.
My itch's been scratched.
Hi, here is my setup of Siporax.
2x3,5L for 350 L (90G) tank.
23 of August it was start, nearly 4 weeks, no changes yet in PO4 and NO3.
Хорошего рифа!
I have about 20L of matrix that I have used for years in my freshwater tanks. Is there anything special I should do it before I use it in my next reef tank build?
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Wash it , 24-48 hours bath in hydrogen peroxide , that help to burn all organic from Siporax.I have about 20L of matrix that I have used for years in my freshwater tanks. Is there anything special I should do it before I use it in my next reef tank build?
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))From what i understand it takes about 3 months for the magic to start happening.
Clean it in RO/DI.
I assume that medications where never used with it. That could cause problems.
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I have only used prazi pro. Is that an issue?
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