New member
That is exactly what I did
I dosed potassium nitrate for the past week 30ml to get it to register and now dosing 1ml daily to maintain around 2.5ppm My system is 120g. I think the net is around 110g.

That is exactly what I didI dosed potassium nitrate for the past week 30ml to get it to register and now dosing 1ml daily to maintain around 2.5ppm My system is 120g. I think the net is around 110g.
That sounds like a good reason to go to the fish store! I only have a copperband, clown, and goby currently in the tank. Just a couple observations from adding nitrate. I did notice a die back of brown algae on my rocks and less algae on glass (my guess is a balancing in phosphate levels). Also think I have a bacteria bloom (haze in water) from a change in redfield ratio.
Speaking of anthias, you should see the beauty we got in the shop the other day, blotched anthias, eating out of the bagOf course, the nicest fish are at our LFS, Gem Tangs, Femininus Wrasse, Khoi Scopas, and the list goes on... I had my eye on a pair of Bellus Angels, but I am heading a different direction now.... Thinking of heading in the direction of anthias.... Sunburst, Bimaculatus Anthias, Blotch down the road, and dispbars and lyretails in good numbers...
Scott, do you have a build thread link? I'm not sure why I'm not following it.. I'd like to watch your Aquaforest changeover.."
No sorry, tank is only 3 months old after a complete crash and nothin but nubbin' sized frags in there. I will try and post up something on the color changes and growth as I go.
Loved the video Matt, everything is looking wonderfully healthy and colorful mate :thumbsup:
great video matt!!
really like your tank!!
Nice video Matt !!! Corals looks great with excellent polyp extension and all with strong colors !!!
Ps: I loved the song too..... very good selection for the video.
Matt! Such perfect timing...
It is 7 am in Montreal. I just drove my daughter to a hockey tryout. We left at 6:30 in a blinding snowstorm and I almost crashed on the highway getting here... Totally freaked me out.. I dropped my daughter off at the doors or the arena and I went to park..
I'm sitting in the car letting the adrenalin subside and I checked your thread.....
Corals look really happy!! Great pe. I loved at about 1:35 the little pan and focus on the little red Acro. Colors are looking great!
Also loved the powder blue dancing around what looks like a little Hawkins..
This video and the music were EXACTLY what I needed to calm down!!
Thank you, my brother from another mother!
Please let me know who the band is.. I will look them up.
Questions.. What is your snail population like in the tank and (I'm asking Aquaforest users, in general) are you using full doses of coral E? I know the copper in it is supposed to reduced zoox populations and make the corals slightly more pastel.. I'm seeing some of your corals lighten and some get more rich in colour so I'm wondering how you feel about this product and how much you use..
I'm also wondering about how the copper affects biochromes as opposed to zoox (if it does..) and how by reducing zoox, this will make corrals more pastel, if in fact, it is biochromes which give corals their colour and not zoox..
I'm guessing that both specific zoox and certain biochromes are responsible for coral color..
Anyway, any rant on the subject by you or reefvet would be very much appreciated.. Or Andrew for that matter, since Andrew brought the whole biochrome thing up in the first place!
I'll be hitting Andrew up with a similar question, no doubt..
Anyways, your video was a fine way to meet the day!!
Wow, everything is looking really nice. Love your selection of acro's . I am only two weeks in with the AF system and am having nice results so far. My colors are staying rich at this point, not pastel. I am at only about 2/3 recommended dosage, do you know if this will keep colors deeper long term or will they continue to lighten?
Looks like I get my reef salt today, source is in Plainfield Indiana. 1 day free shipping, not too shabby.