New member
wow Matt!!
nice acros... :bigeyes:
really like Mr. Pacman!!!
all hail the Jedi Master Matt :thumbsup:
nice acros... :bigeyes:
really like Mr. Pacman!!!
all hail the Jedi Master Matt :thumbsup:
Picture Update, things are humming along nicely
Growth Tips a'poppin:
This is really coloring up, and is actually more blue from the side:
Secondary frag from the mini colony I got last weekend:
The other Mini colony, color is getting more intense:
Still pretty yellow, hopefully it stays that way:
Mr Pacman:
Little color composition - Imagine what this will look like when they grow closer together:
Dayum they're some sweet acro's Matt!
That greeny-yellow one with the burnt peach tips is gorgeous!! :inlove:
But I'm also thinking about using ATI Essentials, don't know if you heard of it
I just received my second shipment of the ATI Essentials.
I've been running it for a few weeks. I've used AF for nearly 3 years. So far I think AF is superior. ATI is very good but not easily dialed in for the particular reef's needs, IMO.
Unfortunately because I'm being paid to do an analysis this is the only photo I can show you :uhoh3:
Wow Matt those are jaw dropping.. Guess you and Perry are giving the rebellion a good name. Lets see what biggles comes up with now.
Careful!! Don't get Lord Merlin Bigglesjuice Vader started... All he needs is a tiny opening...
Matt I'm loving every successive group of pics you post!!
Thanks everyone, I've been battling the worst flu bug I can remember. Once I'm feeling better Ill be back more here to participate. Right now, i just dont have the energy to focus on much.
Thanks everyone, I've been battling the worst flu bug I can remember. Once I'm feeling better Ill be back more here to participate. Right now, i just dont have the energy to focus on much.
Thanks everyone, I've been battling the worst flu bug I can remember. Once I'm feeling better Ill be back more here to participate. Right now, i just dont have the energy to focus on much.