Matt, the tank look great as well as the colors of those corals you posted above.
The WC was pretty big. You are brave !!! Of doing that in almost 1 shoot. I will start doing it following my WC schedule, so it will take weeks.
About the Aquaforest full system, I am not sure if I ever will be able to implement it. Yesterday night I was reading their guide and there are many supplements you have to add a drop per day. With my travel schedules that will put another burden over my wife that she also has to take care of 5 dogs, 2 parrots, 2 freshwater tanks and my reef/fuge tanks feeding....... LOL.... Crazy house mine.... LOL.
I started my 65G tank using Petco Ocean Water. It had a final volume of 50G after rocks and sand. I was changing a box (5G) per week. The Box price is almost $12. When I started with my nutrients issue, one of the changes was to do more frequent WC. On top of that, I was not sure if something changed on the ocean water quality, so I switched to Reef Crystal and installed my RODI system.
During the time I used the Petco ocean water, polyp extension during the day was amazing. The coral growth was exponential. In a few months mini colonies were big colonies. I NEVER had again that day light polyp extension. Corals stop dying, colors came back, in most, others still not there with all my changes. But, I am SURE there was something in the ocean water that Reef Crystal salt do not have. I wasn't adding any supplements for corals at the time of the ocean water, neither I do it now.
So, my rational, after reading more about this probiotic salt, and following your thread, is that "could be" this salt will have something that will make it "more similar" to the ocean water, and I can recover something of what I lost in my corals.
I DO NOT REGRET the tank I have now. I am more than happy with this challeng of keeping SPS for the first time in my life, but as a biologist, that spend every free minute in front of the tank with a magnifying glass, enjoying the life inside of it, I have to tell you that the corals now are far away of what they were in Petco ocean water. They are good, as you saw in my pictures, but not yet how they were when I was using the Ocean Water from Petco.
Why I do not return to the ocean water ?
Well, for my actual routine of ~ 20 G weekly water changes, it will be too expensive ($12 x 4 boxes= $48 / week) . The 200 G box of Reef Cristals is $50. On top of that I cannot control how that ocean water is processed, so I am adding another potential point of issues. At least I can control how I do my salt water.
The probiotic salt is more expensive than Reef Crystals but less expensive than the Petco Ocean Water.
All these rational pushed me to order the probiotic salt and start to use it slowly and see if, at least with the salt alone (not the full system), I can see some of the past characteristics of my corals coming back.
Keep posting Matt. Pictures are better than a thousand words. And as many others, I iam following this thread in detail.