I did not add ammonia to my tank. While I was transferring the fish over, I was adding the live rock from that tank to my sump(about 100 pounds) and added some choice pieces(about 75 pounds). So I believe that helped with the fast cycle.
When the new tank was running I was having a phosphate problem. They were reading .36 on Hanna checker and Red Sea test kit. On my last tank I use to dose LaCl to keep them in check. Well I ran out of the old bottle and had to get a new one. Long story short the bottle I got was commercial grade and not pool grade. So I burned them to their death. I did 50 gallon water changes every other day for a week and 100 gallon water changes at the end of every week. I did that for about a month until fish stopped dying. So that's my short story. I basically at that time didn't pay attention to what I was doing. But my phosphates are where I want them to be now and my tank is on cruise control.
Keep up the good work on your build. I'll be watching you.