milli losing its long tentacle


New member
I got a ORA blue mille frag a while ago and since
I have gotten it all of the polyps have lost their long tentacle and have equally long tentacles all around. I've since changed to using only RO/DI water and have noticed that the color is coming back and its growth has increased ( it was actually quite brown ), but the tentacles are still all short. Has anyone had this happen to theirs before? Do you think it was just the poor water quality?
The only fish in there is a pink skunk clown. I measured Alk and Ca today. Alk was somewhere between 9 and 10 and I boosted the Ca up to around 400. It has pretty heavy flow over it, it sits under a HOB filter and there is a PH on the opposite sided pointing indirectly at it.
This is a common occurance, you really need somewhat strong and very random water motion to keep the milli polyps long. I have many millis in my tank and only one has kept longer polyps, but not as long as when I first got it. I bought a Tunze wavebox hoping it would be part of the solution.
i think this happen alot more than you think. Once the frag start growing and adapting to the new tank, it will slowly show the longer tentacles. Give it some time.