Minimalist Aquascaping


Active member
Show your pics of your minimalist aquascaping!

I know there have been some threads about this in the past, but I can't seem to find them.

Feel free to add the links as well.

II love the minimal look...I have it because I just switched my 30 gallon over to a 65...there is a LOT of empty space! The 65 is the same length as the 30, but 6 inches taller...lots of room up there now!
50 gallon breeder, picture from yesterday

10 gallon tank from 3 years ago, i wanted to create this look again with my 50
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very nice, very natural in comparison to my memories from diving. congratulations sunny, your tank is inspiring!
this was one of my favorites, I haven't seen any updates in a long time though:


I can't find his thread on this forum and I don't think I'm allowed to link other reef forums
uhuru, that's a great tank setup. You should try and contact the tank's owner though, to make sure it's okay with him/her that you're posting it here.
I like how people think they have a minimalist tank, then they have wonderfully tacky magnet cleaner stuck right smack on the glass.

If you are going to claim to be minimalist, at least make the effort to take off the magnet after you are done using it...