Minimalist Aquascaping

Beautiful tanks everyone. I really like the minimalist style rockwork. It's just so pleasing to the eye instead of a tank crammed full of rock.
Mine is cycling right now. For a large tank I feel mine is pretty open. Do you think it fits in minimalistic aquascaping?

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15231075#post15231075 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by burnah
50 gallon breeder, picture from yesterday

10 gallon tank from 3 years ago, i wanted to create this look again with my 50

I really like your naturalistic look of the top pic.
Many tanks in Japan are run with NO rock at all.

i would love to see the look of these tanks. i like the minimalistic look. i have a 220 with minimal rock, and its in pillars so it looks even less

Dunno if there are too many rocks in there to be in this thread, but it's pretty minimal to me. I was at least minimal with the fish! lol.





BTW, all the corals an the sand bed will be removed once I get around to epoxying them to the rocks.
Thanks! What you see now, the bigger corals at least, is one year of growth from when they were in my other tank. All started from little frags.
We left a lot of room on top to give the corals plenty of room to grow.
thats a great idea. I just checked out your red house thread, and that shows even more pictures. You guys have a great tank, and will have an even better one as the time goes by!

Those are nice custom screen/tops you have on there.

Finally, I agree that leaving room at the top to let the corals grow in is a good idea. I'm going to be doing that with my next setup.
I love minimalist style tanks but the taller the tank the harder it is to acheive w/o looking like it needs more. I wish there was a way to make tall minimalistic rock scape for my 90 gallon. Currently I have 200lbs in a 90!
I think I will probably be on the minimalist list because I only have about 60lbs of rock in a 90 Gallon Aquarium. I was thinking open swimming space for the fish. I didn't them swimming into the side of the tank thinking they could keep going.......
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Full Tank"></a>
I think to have a successful looking minimalist layout, you need interesting looking rock. It's about more than just having a little rock in there. The composition is extremely important. I think that's the difference between a successful minimalist tank and one that just comes off looking boring.
Amkelly, that's a very nice start you have there. Certainly much better than my first tank, for sure.

Milhouse, I agree with you to an extent, but I think its also important to show almost no equipment in the tank. A powerhead or two is fine, but that's all I want to be seen in my tank. Patience is key with this as well. Its very hard to have a great looking minimalist tank in the beginning. You need time for the corals to grow out.