Minimalist Aquascaping

not sure if this counts, though I will be removing two large pieces of the rock soon:





still only frags so far.
I don't a lot of rock in my tank. I just have it stacked high b/c it's good stacking rock. See all the open spaces? Lots of holes, nooks and crannies for the fish to feel safe :)

For comparison to the size of the holes, that's a Koralia 2 on the left wall. The k2 gets close to 3 inches wide.
:) Thanks. Now I just need to clean up the cyano, keep fish alive, and get some corals in there :thumbsup:

I want to replace the K2 w/a vortech soon.
Great looking Joculator !!!!

Thanks :) There are three flavoguttatus anthias in there somewhere.. I'll get a pic of them up shortly.

Just picked up two crazy scolymias from liveaquaria that I should be getting sometime next week as well... can't wait. :)
kinetic, what fish is on the upper left hand side? Very nice tank by the way

oh it's just a dwarf sea hare climbing up on the glass. unfortunately the poor guy went through a vortech recently and definitely didn't make it =(

I'm putting foam guards over them when I get a new sea hare. I had this guy for awhile now =( super sad.
I had one before but traded it off cause it started knocking a lot of things over since I don't really glue anything down. That's when my tank was super packed with rocks. Now that I downsized my rock, I may pick another tuxedo urchin. thanks!
I like the 3 mounds....

Alright, i posted a page ago or so that I was going to get my rock done.... well I got it done tongiht. I am so stoked. I am really glad that I found this thread.. It really gave me some ideas to make my rock so better. I can't believe how much more room I have for coral, more swim room for the fish, and the increased flow. I will post pics later... its bed time now.
Its the same with me when I redid my rock work. The open areas does increase flow like crazy. Especially with the new sugar-grain sand bed, i can really see that there isn't really any dead areas with only having two eductors at the ends of my two returns.