Minimalist Aquascaping

yeah, it's a Leemar 48 x 24 x 20. Im going about as mixed as it gets. This tank will have a little of my best of everything :D

Congrats on the upgrade plans, the rock looks nice!

Nice! Thanks, I debated for quite some time on that same exact size but have decided to settle on something smaller for now. The main thing I need is more depth, 12" just isn't cutting it.

Best of everything you say? Well, if it's going to be packed with the best of what you got then it's sure to be a knockout :D Can't wait to see it take off and stocked!
Amazing thread and some even more amazing 'scapes.

I've long been a fan of the mimalist look. Here is the latest FTS of my lil 12g system.

Plans are under way for something a little more special - and that will fit right into this thread:cool:
Wow. I just stumbled on this thread during a search. I love the minimalist look.

Here are my tanks. Comments welcome.

75g w/ 20g sump




I definitely wouldn't consider my tank as minimalist as some of the great tanks on here, but I definitely didn't go for a rock wall. I have two mountains with a large channel through the left hand side one and lots of overhangs on the right hand side.


Another big thing about minimalism to me is having only a few corals that grow into massive colonies. Each of my corals in here has about 4"-6" between its neighbor so that when they grow up all the corals will be individually showcased.
Not sure if you mean the green slimer growing onto the glass or the green/yellow zoos in the front-middle of the tank. Anyway, glad you like the tanks. :dance:
my2girls, those tanks both look great! What is the yellow in the middle of your larger tank?
Fantastic thread for ideas

Fantastic thread for ideas

I'm relatively new to RC but not to the hobby. This is a great thread for ideas on aquascaping. I'm in the process of a new 150g system that all that is done so far is the built-in base. Tank should be here in early December as I had it custom built. I'll be tagging along and eventually hope to add my ideas to the mix.
There are a lot of great ideas in this thread. I am doing a 30 gallon cube and I might change everything to go more minimalist.
Right on. Glad to have everyone post! Nice looking tanks everyone, and if you haven't yet posted a pic, put 'em on here!
I been following this thread for some time and could've sworn I posted a pic of my system in it....but I scanned and couldn't find one.

If this is a duplicate pic, then sorry. I took it the other week.

I guess i'll cross-post my tank to this thread on the recommendation of another forum member... it's a 57 gallon rimless oceanic:


I been following this thread for some time and could've sworn I posted a pic of my system in it....but I scanned and couldn't find one.

If this is a duplicate pic, then sorry. I took it the other week.


So what exactly is a "minimalist" aquascaping? Common elements seem to be low amount of live rock, using LR to make distinct formations instead of large piles, clean lines on the tank (rimless/euro bracing without a canopy), minimized equipment visible, a larger than "normal" amount of open swimming space/open bottom space, light stocking fish wise, little/no coralline algae and either a bare bottom or shallow, clean sand bed - is that a fair description?

Both those tanks are very beautiful btw :)