Minimalist Aquascaping

So what exactly is a "minimalist" aquascaping? Common elements seem to be low amount of live rock, using LR to make distinct formations instead of large piles, clean lines on the tank (rimless/euro bracing without a canopy), minimized equipment visible, a larger than "normal" amount of open swimming space/open bottom space, light stocking fish wise, little/no coralline algae and either a bare bottom or shallow, clean sand bed - is that a fair description?

Both those tanks are very beautiful btw :)

Couldn't agree more!:thumbsup:
So what exactly is a "minimalist" aquascaping? Common elements seem to be low amount of live rock, using LR to make distinct formations instead of large piles, clean lines on the tank (rimless/euro bracing without a canopy), minimized equipment visible, a larger than "normal" amount of open swimming space/open bottom space, light stocking fish wise, little/no coralline algae and either a bare bottom or shallow, clean sand bed - is that a fair description?

Both those tanks are very beautiful btw :)

IMO, that's a pretty fair generalization. However, there's not really a "definition" for these tanks. In simple terms, "purposeful" (IE placement of rocks and corals), "clean" and "less is more" are the main themes. Other than that it's open.
One month old :D


I've gone over this thread many times for inspiration and shortly I'll have a contribution, but something just struck me. E.intheC, why haven't you posted anything? Seems like you'd be able to draw from this thread whenever you needed inspiration.
Well here's an update on my tank.

At the beginning of the summer right after I set the tank up. Looks pretty minimalist.

And now. Stupid coralline algae grows too fast! And makes the tank look less minimal. :(

Oh well. It looks better in person and all the corals and fish are doing great.
I've gone over this thread many times for inspiration and shortly I'll have a contribution, but something just struck me. E.intheC, why haven't you posted anything? Seems like you'd be able to draw from this thread whenever you needed inspiration.

haha.. you wouldn't want to see my tank yet ;)

It's not quite up to my standards yet. (And neither are my picture taking skills/camera).. soon.
spleify, that's a great looking tank! It'd be sweet to have some smaller 'shoaling' fish like chromis or cardinals in there
haha.. you wouldn't want to see my tank yet ;)

It's not quite up to my standards yet. (And neither are my picture taking skills/camera).. soon.

I'm in the same boat my friend. I've got about one nice column with the live rock I bought. Looks like I need about 30# more to get my desired two column look :rolleyes: