I try and keep it as simple and clean as possible:
Here's mine. The setup is new, so there's not many corals yet.
Here are a couple of crappy Iphone pics and a video. I'll sort the scape out this week and arrange my corals properly. Tank has only been running about 2 weeks now. 60x33x20
Realy low RES Video
My 300L ( 80G) current scape:
New here and setting up first reef tank in the next couple of weeks. Great thread! Lots of good ideas.Thanks all. Great tanks!
I will play. 20 gallon tall anemone tank.
This tank is amazing form where you got the anemone?
I will play. 20 gallon tall anemone tank.
Great tank. From where you got the anemones?
I will play. 20 gallon tall anemone tank.