Minimalist Aquascaping

can i join in?? heres mines.. just added water into the tank this week.


Left side..


Right side..
That looks awesome. Wish I could have found rock like that as that was something I was originally planning to do. what size tank is that?
thanks afernandez and reeftanknewbie, the tank is 64x32x22. These two rock are pretty large pieces, makes the tank looks small..
can i join in?? heres mines.. just added water into the tank this week.


Left side..


Right side..

That's some awesome rock you have in there. If I may be so bold... perhaps the rock work is too symmetrical? Raise one of the pillars up or have some overlap between the plates?

It must be nice to have that much front-back real estate to work with.
Agree with Potsy. Take the left rock, raise it up, move it to the right so that some of it overhangs the other rock.

But I can see some options for coral placement the may accomplish this too. Some nice tabling acros and monti caps. gonna go to your build thread and follow along there.
thanks Potsy and hmello. I was thinking the same thing.. i new something was off. but i was so stump when i was building it. I should have posted some pictures sooner and got inputs earlier. Now, it'll be to hard to move anything, the rocks weight a ton.. i'll just let the corals take over the structure and build from there.

KMU, thanks..
Finnex 4 Gallon

Finnex 4 Gallon

I set up a 4 gallon pico on my desk at work. Being impressed with a lot of the minimalist aquascapes I have seen recently I decided to give this design style a shot for myself. See what you think of the results:

My plan is to have sps on the rocks and LPS on the sand ( chalices, acans and scolys). but of it'll be sps sticks for the first year or so.
Sweet Ride, that looks amazing!! How often do you have to prune the corals to prevent warfare?

Thanks Taqpol!!!! I actually just started pruning them. for the most part the coral warfare is very minimal.

Beautiful tanks everyone! Sweet Ride is that five years of growth?

Thanks Ritten!!!! actually the growth is about a years worth, and the system is just over 1 1/2 years old.

Sweet ride :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: that's an incredible display you have there.

Thanks E.intheC!!!!!


Thats just perfect for a peninsula set up...


Thanks kmu!!!!

Sweet ride, your tank looks incredible!

thanks dainiusiva!!!!!