Minimalist Aquascaping

60g cube (24x24x24) Minimal aquascape..

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you are looking for hdpe. look in your yellow pages for plastic supply places and they should be able to hook you up with what you need

I have been mounting like this for years using 3/4" hdpe, with 1/2" deep, 3/4" holes drilled into it, to hold the 3/4" acrylic rod epoxied to the rock. Any single one of these rods like this could support the entire reef on its own with 100% stability

This is exactly what I'm trying to do and looks awesome! thank you!

Just a couple questions...where do you get the acrylic rods and what exact type of epoxy do you use?
This is exactly what I'm trying to do and looks awesome! thank you!

Just a couple questions...where do you get the acrylic rods and what exact type of epoxy do you use?

I get the rods from mcmaster-carr. part # 8531K21

I use Aquamend for everything else, but to be epoxy the rods to your rock, not the hdpe. The rods with the rock epoxied to them are slip gravity fit into the hdpe. That is all that is needed. Also the way it works is you can drill more holes in the hdpe than you really intend on using, and have the the ability to move stuff around to your liking or if you ever wanted to redo it without breaking down the tank. Its kind of interesting, I could completely change the orientation of all of the rocks in my tanks in just a few minutes by playing musical chairs with them, or just move a couple around to allow for something new added or whatever. And have the same 100% stability as it had before. Or you can simply spin them in place to change the angle

a little trick to help epoxy the rods to the rock for maximum ease and stability is to get a 3/4" masonry bit and drill a hole into your rock at the angle you want it. Then the rock is mostly holding the rod secure on its own, and the epoxy is just to tighten it up. This doesnt work on tonga branch or other bulletproof type rock as you cant realistically get a drill bit into it without specialty tools. Those it is best to just adhere a big hunk of epoxy onto, and then after it sets, drill a 3/4" hole out of it at the angle you want to glue the rod into

hth :)
These are a cuople aquascapes I have in mind for my next 25G nano:



In a perfect world you could use both left side columns in one tank. :hmm3:
does mine count? lol... a different approach, but minimalistic in my view... please keep in mind, i a not a reef keeper, i am a coral keeper... and it works for me, and my likings...

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>
Here is the scape in my 60 cube.. We tried to be minimal as our last tank was packed with rock, and wanted a nice big middle section climbing up.. I think we achieved it, and we're very happy with our tank. There is still a good 9" from the front of the tank of open sand area!
