you are looking for hdpe. look in your yellow pages for plastic supply places and they should be able to hook you up with what you need
I have been mounting like this for years using 3/4" hdpe, with 1/2" deep, 3/4" holes drilled into it, to hold the 3/4" acrylic rod epoxied to the rock. Any single one of these rods like this could support the entire reef on its own with 100% stability
This is exactly what I'm trying to do and looks awesome! thank you!
Just a couple questions...where do you get the acrylic rods and what exact type of epoxy do you use?
Is that Marco Rock?
These are a cuople aquascapes I have in mind for my next 25G nano:
In a perfect world you could use both left side columns in one tank. :hmm3:
Looks nice.
How big is your tank?
How many pounds of rocks?
These are a cuople aquascapes I have in mind for my next 25G nano:
Looks like a cityscape with corals on top!
Not only minimalist scaping. I'd say organized and minimalist.![]()
You need King Kong on one.
Even the tang is in line.