Minimalist Aquascaping

Did you use cement or epoxy (in addition to acrylic rod) to join the rocks together? Nice job, and welcome to RC - very nice first post! Going to do a build thread?
Here's my minimalist aquascape tank, 3 island plenty of room and good flow:

Thanks, I am fairly pleased with it. Only issue is you have to be very particular with coral placement as you do not have that much real-estate with a minimalist look.

I am facing that issue right now in transferring corals from my 90 to my 180 upgrade :(. I feel I am out of space and have not finished my transfer.
i have a new minimalistic look im working on. its a foam rock wall with a few pieces of free standing rocks in my 220. ill post pics here when im all finished
Michael B, we are interested in seeing any progress pics of your setup. Minimalist setups are my fav and in my opinion, way to go. The "open" feel makes it look a slice of the reef system rather than the typical stacking of the back wall with rocks and mounting corals randomly.
My 75. New arrangement that I like much more. Lots of flow and enough open room. Sorry the pic is a little crooked. Tell me what you guys think!

i really like all these tanks and it gives me lots of ideas to reaquascape, my lfs has a very nice tank that doesnt have any rocks, its all just coral and it looks great dont know how he even makes it look good.