Minimalist Aquascaping

I post updates like every couple months. The growth rate is pretty fast and the theme of the tank has changed a bit to SPS and Clam dominated. Here's a vid I had taken last week.
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minimalist is the way to go...

minimalist is the way to go...

After almost complete failure, I finally decided to the the minimalist way. I sold off 100 lbs of rock. I have seen some amazing tanks here and they all have inspired me. Check out the before and after photos. I tried my best to build islands but couldn't get away from building the bridges to connect them. But in my defense, there are so many holes and space that there's barely any rocks that actually touch to substrate. Plus I plan to grow very few and selective SPS'. Plus I plan to add another MP40.

Less Rock = Good
SSB = Good
More flow = Good

Thank you for everyone's contribution. I should have broken away from the old school way of thinking a long time ago...


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Sorry the corals were not awake yet, just flipped the light on for the pic

Sorry the corals were not awake yet, just flipped the light on for the pic

Very young tank, lots more corals and goodies to come :)


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This is my imitation of minimilist/bonsia. What do you think? I used another person's tank as inspiration, im sure you have seen it. The tank has been up and running for about a month. Its a Marinland 93G cube with DIY stand.

Looks clean and compact, but what "glue/expoxy" are you using on that left ledge, it looks like it's pretty far from the base and I worry with flow pressure and coral weight eventually if it will hold long term. Good job!
Here is my before finding this thread...


And after this past weekend...


Now I have ordered some Ecotech glue and will do some permanent bonding this weekend, so it will change slightly as I get things put together, but I can see substrate creating dunes and valleys now that lets me know my flow is reaching places it couldn't before due to my rock placement. So I'm confident that I'm eliminating dead spots in the tank now after the re-scaping!
Looks clean and compact, but what "glue/expoxy" are you using on that left ledge, it looks like it's pretty far from the base and I worry with flow pressure and coral weight eventually if it will hold long term. Good job!

There are rods holding the ledges up and zip ties that soon will be covered in corals once the tank is ready for SPS. I feel that its super strong. I will be transfering over everything from my 28 Nano.

Everything is now doubled in size and way too crowded so I am getting anxious for the move.

More pix
my rock structure is pretty light...

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GeauX Xman your aquascape is sick and I love the video! You have beautiful fish in there too! Makes me impatient to add Tangs to my new tank.
New Tank

New Tank

This is one of the threads that inspired my new tank. Hasn't been running long so it is quite empty.






The wedding cake columbs that were used to support the shelves have been covered up with epoxy. I drilled the main rock and placed them in it in order to maintain a stong support.
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