Minimalist Aquascaping

Lofty, I like how you have the one unique rock on its own. I'm guessing that's a monti cap growing on it? Should look even nicer when it fills in and starts to whorl
Lofty, I like how you have the one unique rock on its own. I'm guessing that's a monti cap growing on it? Should look even nicer when it fills in and starts to whorl

Exactly my thoughts, Im hoping it turns out like a rose. Its already growing like crazy. :D
Heres is my 40br. tried to go with a minimalist aquascape.
Inevitably. Lol... All I'd need to do is more THIS rock HERE, and THAT one over THERE... and oh wait, this would look good over here. Two hours later and I've rescaped the entire tank.
IMO get some vortechs ( if you can afford them ) ;)

Im thinking of going to MP 40s next month... got some dough coming in this month... thinkin I need to treat myself :fun4:

+1 on some multi directional flow in there though. Even the ones I have, which suck (Aqueon 1250s) would be better than the Maxi jets.... but save those old school maxi jets... the new ones are terrible. They are awesome for water changes, skimmer power etc... very reliable. :thumbsup:
I like your tank. I looked and thought it was a breeder. No offense but if you change out those power heads to some koralia, might clean up the display even more.
Thanks. The maxi-jets is all i could afford at the time, but the Vortechs are at the top of my list. I have to save for my ATO first. Thanks for looking.
Just found this thread! Inspired me to rip some rocks out.. hope I have enough left!

40g Long.. now with 10lbs dead rock and 25lbs live... (cycling)
Just found this thread! Inspired me to rip some rocks out.. hope I have enough left!

40g Long.. now with 10lbs dead rock and 25lbs live... (cycling)

I have 60 LB in the Display and about 30 in rubble and large pieces in my Sump/refugium. So still following (about) the 1 Lb per Gallon rule... just hiding a lot of it :D