Minimalist Aquascaping

looks like a nice start, lofty. want to see how it looks stocked! what size is it? 120, 70? hard to guess based on pumps and fish :)
Its a 90. It was used and there are some scratches on the display panel. I want to replace in a year or so with a 150 tall AGA with Starphire front and sides and go to Radieons and 2 MP40s, but that is about 3-4gs... so I need to sell me a few houses to get that going.

Here are a couple more pics:








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How high does the water level in your sump get when you lose power?

I got lucky and it only gets to about 1 inch below the rim. I put in a siphon break about 1 inch below the water line of the display so if I cut the pump it will only drain the DT to that level. I was worried at first and thought about drilling a bulkhead in the sump at about 1 inch from the rim and running it to an emergency resevroir, but after cutting the pump and letting it sit during feedings, and cleaning I am very confident I wont have a flood. I picked up the siphion break idea off of water keepers thread in the beginner's forum. (So you got a new saltwater tank, now what) I think.

Anyways The siphon break was key. I drilled 2 1/8 inch holes (incase one gets clogged or a snail parks on it) in the return line approx 1 inch below the water line. (the only PIA is when you turn the pump back on, you need to make sure your overflow cover is closed or it will spray all over until your water level clears it) Sometimes that takes a while too because when I do a water change I siphon all the water out of the overflow to get out the detrius that settles at the bottom. Sprayed the UV cover on my lights a couple times... which reminds me... I need to clean it :rolleye1:
great work on the sump! i like the divisions with lr and sand - i have something similar ;) this tank will look great with corals in it
great work on the sump! i like the divisions with lr and sand - i have something similar ;) this tank will look great with corals in it

Thank you for the kind words.... I was at the LFS and almost bought some Green stars for the bottom of the cave, but shyed away... I still think its a bit early even though GSPs are really basic corals... I got 3 more chromis instead so the'll school up... cheaper too, 15$ vs 45$. :) :)
From this...

To this...


A video of my journey so far....:)

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Beautiful tanks and aquascaping, everyone!!

I definitely plan on utilizing a minimalist approach when I begin acquiring rock for my 40B. The wall 'o rock is so... reefkeeping from the 90's. :)
Thank you for the kind words.... I was at the LFS and almost bought some Green stars for the bottom of the cave, but shyed away... I still think its a bit early even though GSPs are really basic corals... I got 3 more chromis instead so the'll school up... cheaper too, 15$ vs 45$. :) :)

So I went a heand and bought a small frag of Zoas and they are doing well....I cant wait to fill the rest in, but all in good time :)
This is my fresh start at the 125 gallon tank I got in July. I tore it down and restarted. Enjoy, and glad I went minimal on this as I really like the look, just need to tweak the middle island a little.


Looking from Right Side

Looking from Left Side
This is my fresh start at the 125 gallon tank I got in July. I tore it down and restarted. Enjoy, and glad I went minimal on this as I really like the look, just need to tweak the middle island a little.


Looking from Right Side

Looking from Left Side

Great looking tank! I had a similliar idea but alot smaller:)


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