Minimalist Aquascaping

Here's mine inspired by the 1/3 rule from this thread.

Pics are that great...but here are my before and after pics of my recent re-aquascape. I did a complete breakdown of the 180-gls sps tank last week. I removed 28-colonies and only put back (17) of my favorite sps corals. My goal was less rock, better color distribution and increase the room around each coral so they can grow into individual colonies, etc.

My struggle is my tank is only 24" in depth and really limits depth of field when aquascaping....but I think I got it for now.


Pics are that great...but here are my before and after pics of my recent re-aquascape. I did a complete breakdown of the 180-gls sps tank last week. I removed 28-colonies and only put back (17) of my favorite sps corals. My goal was less rock, better color distribution and increase the room around each coral so they can grow into individual colonies, etc.

My struggle is my tank is only 24" in depth and really limits depth of field when aquascaping....but I think I got it for now.


Your old Tank was perfect, but i like the New scape even better. Great work! Very inspirational, do you have a build thread?

Here's my 90 48x30x14 crappy cell phone pic


AWESOME aquascape.....I'm sure it looks even better in person. A 48" x 30" (I'm jealous) tank lends itself to some nice aquascaping. Love the separate island. Your corals have plenty of space to grow and your fish plenty of open water.

Keep hands out of the tank and let the corals grow......very nice.
AWESOME aquascape.....I'm sure it looks even better in person. A 48" x 30" (I'm jealous) tank lends itself to some nice aquascaping. Love the separate island. Your corals have plenty of space to grow and your fish plenty of open water.

Keep hands out of the tank and let the corals grow......very nice.

Here's a brighter pic and tell me bout keeping my hands out the tank was the hardest part and thanks for the complement
