Minimalist Aquascaping

damn! sorry, the url did not work...
here is my reef tank, called Miniriff 2.0


Thanks for sharing. I enjoy the look you are going for. Great job!
Its def either an alveopora or a gonipora. I think its an alveopora. Gonios have 24 tentacles I think, and Alveoporas have 12.
wireefman, what is the name of that black damsel with yellow fins?

they were sold locally to me as a lyretail reef chromis. however a google search under that does not yeild that fish. however if you search Neopomacentrus bankieri or the scissortail damsel you will find online sources..
i have about 15lbs or rubble rock various sizes from 4" on down which i just dumped in and let it go... the fish will enter in one nook and shoot out in a total opposite area... and one has deff taken over as dominate one and the streamers are getting about 1/4" long on the fins... never seen em before until a month or 2 ago.. i have 5

just did a wc before that pic sry for its quality
I'm not sure if mine would count as minimalistic... in description itsounds pretty minimal with a total of 3 rocks. but then again, in a 2.5 gallon pico, 3 rock pretty much takes up the whole tank!
nice tanks everyone!
happy reefing!