Minimalist Aquascaping

Initial planning of my 90g, 50lbs of rock.
nice updates and pics! still one of my favourite threads, love it that its still alive...

heres an update for my 50g, 1.5 years after a move, sorry for the cell pic:


Your cubes are looking awesome Bello, very nice work on the minimal rock with lots of cool overhangs and outcrops for dramatic coral placement. :thumbsup:
It's not AS minimalist as some of these great examples but there is a lot less rock than average:

Edit* - batteries in wireless keyboard going out >.<
Thanks Cubical, a wild guess from your username.... you like cubes?? :lol:. I had a 7 foot 260 gallon monster, that made way for the pair of cubes.

Thanks biggles, as always, glad to have you around for guidance :thumbsup:

Pastey, that is certainly a unique scape, I like it!! :thumbsup:
Here's my 300 gallon deep dimension. Not sure if I qualify for minimalistic or if I stack up against the gorgeous tanks in this thread but here she is. Been set up forabout a month now. After the cycle of course. Everything came out of my 90 gallon. Btw sorry for the craptastic cell phone pics, tanks not nearly as blue in person.

Don't mind some of my dead looking coral I mixed a batch of coral dip way too strong when I was moving everything over from the 90. Suffered some heavy losses and what did survive took a big hit but everything is recovering now!

Lmk what you think!
I think it looks great, but then I've seen it in person. Those darn led's can make it really difficult to get good pics.
There are some really great examples of aquascaping here. Really shows how minimal rockscape beautifies and becomes embelished with the addition of corals to really fill in the valuable real estate. Great job to all.
hello from the u.k :wave:

this thread has been a great inspiration for me.
there are some amazing tanks on here, nice work :)

though i would share some pics of my tank, a 6 gallon fluval edge with the top removed.
the pics are over the last year as i've tried out different configurations of rock islands. in the end i decided less is more :D

180 on the way..

180 on the way..

am getting to the final stages of my 180 build... and just in time I went through this thread.. and nice to see everyone's creativity..

with lots of inspiration, i'll start mine in the coming weeks.. :) :rollface: