How deep is the tank?
Thank height shouldn't matter though...
How deep is the tank?
If you wanted to keep the scape low with that much light on a 40B, you would want to create a couple of peaks to mount SPS which would shade the LPS. There are some pretty cool scapes in this thread where the rockwork is minimal but there are several overhangs mixed in. Extreme overhangs typically require using acrylic rods and or flat tiles to support/balance the structure.
Just went back and looked. This is NKT's tank (page 9) and this is a 57 gallon. same footprint as a breeder but a little taller.
Thanks this is a year build lol .... Here is a picture of my fish room and don't mind the paint on the breeder tank I am in the middle of painting it . And the heater is not hooked up just was testing it...
nice tank warfanax, what size is it and how old? do you have a thread for it? would like to know more about it.
greetings martin
I don't know if this qualifies as minimalistic but here it is...
Looks minimalist to me since it has few rocks (?) but with care it won't take long to fill the tank up with the corals you've chosen! Beautiful tank!
Stunning tank warfanax.