Minimalist Aquascaping

If you wanted to keep the scape low with that much light on a 40B, you would want to create a couple of peaks to mount SPS which would shade the LPS. There are some pretty cool scapes in this thread where the rockwork is minimal but there are several overhangs mixed in. Extreme overhangs typically require using acrylic rods and or flat tiles to support/balance the structure.
If you wanted to keep the scape low with that much light on a 40B, you would want to create a couple of peaks to mount SPS which would shade the LPS. There are some pretty cool scapes in this thread where the rockwork is minimal but there are several overhangs mixed in. Extreme overhangs typically require using acrylic rods and or flat tiles to support/balance the structure.

I thought about it. I am thinking of using acrylic rods and an acrylic base plate to attach rocks so they don't fall. I just don't know if I can do that now. I have sand in my tank and I need to burry those acrylic plates under the sand which means disturbing the sandbed.

Can it be done?
It could be but I would plan to do it the same day you did a water change. If you bed is fairly deep you may unearth some crud and anaerobic bacteria that you wouldn't want to do. Timing a water change and siphoning out the crud under your current rocks would be good to do.

I have severely rescaped my tank several times and have never had a problem. You don't have to go that extreme though. Here is a nice example of what looks to be a smaller tank with a great looking scape.

Not mine....

Note the lighting looks similar to yours (MH + T5s). The tank owner most likely didn't need acrylic rods or bases to pull this off.
Just went back and looked. This is NKT's tank (page 9) and this is a 57 gallon. same footprint as a breeder but a little taller.
Just went back and looked. This is NKT's tank (page 9) and this is a 57 gallon. same footprint as a breeder but a little taller.

Thank you, I will look at it. I have many LPS and they are all very big. Have a pagoda coral the size of a plate, so as my goniapora and elegance. I don't know if I can't fit them under rock shadows...

When I think about aquascaping it gives me a headache. I don't like whatever I do and change it constantly...
nice tank warfanax, what size is it and how old? do you have a thread for it? would like to know more about it.

greetings martin
nice tank warfanax, what size is it and how old? do you have a thread for it? would like to know more about it.

greetings martin

Its a 40g breeder. I have been running it for a year almost. I know people will be mad for keeping tangs in 40g but I got them when they are tiny baby and will be selling soon. I

wanted to document while building it but so many things went wrong and didn't have much time to take photos. I had to extend the 30g stand to fit 40 breeder. floor was so crooked that wood shims didn't work, had to find another solution. While preparing to move the house, drilling holes, repainting the stand building beananimal overflow shortly everything had to be done within 2 weeks.

Glad you liked it thanks...
Stunning tank warfanax.

Thank you. I have been changing the aquascape almost every day since I discovered this thread. Cant stop it. I think I have OCD. Whatever I do, I don't like it. I feel like it doesn't look as good as other tanks in this thread. I am afraid I might change it soon again. Even thinking it gives me a headache :)
Here is my first aquascape attempt for a 75 gallon. The pillar on the right is permanent I've already epoxied it. The structure on the left I'm not so sure about yet.

Also I plan on adding 20# of live rock to this scape. The 2nd picture points to where I'm thinking the live rock can go.

Hello all. I've been tagging along for a while. Finally got to re-setup my tank. Do I qualify for minimalistic?


