Minimalist Aquascaping

6 Months???? That looks no older than 2 weeks lol. Get some life in there already!

I have two tiny pieces of live rock that have been in the whole time, its just been a busy year. i have more free time now and hopefully dont have to be at the hospital anymore!
My minimalist aquascaping,

Eco friendly Tank

DIY Live rock 110Lbs
20 LBs live rock
Ecosystem method
NO POWERHEADS just one 1350GPh return
300W heater
9W paddle Ocean Mocean Wavemaker
now using 20W high power 20000k led

Oddly enough, one of my favorite tanks. A nice species tank for one of my favorite fish, and a great simple design all around. Call me crazy, but very nice. This is a tank I truly appreciate.
Here is my tank. I am new to the saltwater world and am loving it so far. I really enjoy the minimalist look too and I don't plan on getting too crazy either.

100g tank, 2 - Cascade 1500's, CPR Bak Pak 2 Skimmer.

Working on a sump tank and getting a real skimmer. Right now there is just over 50 lbs of live rock in the tank with a damsel and two clown fish. Tank has been up and running for 3 weeks now. In another 2-3 weeks I am looking to add a dogface puffer as the next fish and then who knows!








I love the minamalist looks of all these tanks! Would love to do something similar-however, I want to make sure there are places where the fish can hide too. I guess there has to be a balance there...between too much rock, and too little cover for the fish to retreat to.
Too much rock=no swimming room for fish
Too little cover=scared fish, more aggression perhaps? Any ideas?