Miyako-jima Diving Photojournal


New member
First a few facts about the island:

Miyako-jima (Miyako: mja¢°ku; Okinawan: na¢°ku, mja¢°ku; Japanese: ÏàͯÃ"œÃ‚E is an island in Okinawa Prefecture, Japan. It lies a few hundred kilometres east of Taipei, Taiwan. With an area of 158.70 square kilometres, Miyako is the fourth-largest island in Okinawa Prefecture.

Miyako-jima is well-known for its beauty, particularly Higashi-Hennazaki (Eastern Cape), which is considered by many as one of the most beautiful spots in Japan.

We arrived on the island July 26th via Japan Airlines from Haneda Airport in Tokyo, Japan. Clear skies and a temperature of 31 C welcomed us.

As this was a family trip with my wifes parents I would only get a few attempts to dive. Before my first dive we were able to do a bit of snorkeling at several beaches. This is definetly a good place to go if you are a SPS fan. I saw many purple, blue, turqoise blue and yellow acropora. Unfortunately I was using a disposable underwater camera and only have a few pics that turned out.

Yoshino Beach - My favorite beach to snorkel

Black Cucumber at Low Tide

Another Cucumber? Im not sure.

I wish I would have had an underwater case for my D50

Another not so great pic but you get the idea.

After spending the morning looking for a dive shop that wasnt booked I found an opening with Marine Service Miyako. It is run by two brothers and their mom owns a small hotel that is connected to the dive shop. 50 bucks a night for a nice room plus a traditional japanese breakfast which equaled one hell of a deal!

Masakado, the older brother is in the middle of the picture. He ran all the dives and his brother, Taniguchi on the right was the captain of the boat. The two in the middle were mother and daughter with whom I dove with.

The first day I did two dives off the boat. The only hitch was that I had to have my wife with to interpret for me. I have a basic handle on the langauge but my vocabulary is still not great enough to understand the majority of what is said.

All the following pictures were taken with the divemaster and his underwater camera.

The first dive spot was Double Arch. Named because of two underwater arches of course!
Depth:17 meters
Water temperature: 30 C

One of two arches

Four shrimp. Can you spot them all?

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