Moby Duck

That sounds like a ton of fun, about how far do they race them? Great to see people coming together for a good cause :)

I'm sure those ducks you guys race leach toxic materials really quickly into water though, just like they do in the bathtubs of the toddlers they were designed for. Everyone knows your kid gets sick by playing with a rubber duckies, you guys should use something else since they're made from spent nuclear fuel rods just like plastic bottles. Either that or crazy people use any excuse to get up on their soapbox and continue hijacking a forum to spout inane hyperbole to no end...

Apparently a person claiming to be a environmentalist (or a preacher of some kind) must have really screwed you over growing up, as I have yet to listen to anybody (without it harming there way of life) get so upset about someone who cares about the environment. Either that or you don't like anyone talking about things they are passionate about. I guess we should all sit quietly in the corner and just assume everything will be just fine if we don't take any action. I'm kind of glad that most people don't feel that way otherwise women wouldn't be allowed to vote, African Americans would still be sitting in the back of the bus and the American Bald eagle would be extinct. :( Sorry for spouting more inane hyperbole from my bamboo soapbox:wave: At least I know the definition of an armchair activist;)
Robka Its great your wanting a clean earth. But please come back down here. The sad truth is most people Are trying to make a difference. Just not to the extreame like you are. Keep doing what you are. Its great but id be willing to bet 90% of people would not be able to do what you are. You are seeming to play the "im better than you because....." card.

People are getting irritated with you because you Were picking apart a fund raiser. Thats not cool. It dosnt matter if you think its wrong. It brings in a huge amount of $$ for reaserch. Wich is a huge deal !

You can pick apart just about anything if you want to. Great if your an activist. Go out and teach the public. If you havent noticed no one has patted you back for what youve said. AND youve gone way off topic. As have i talking to you. If you want to rant please start you own thread.

Now back on topic

Wouldent it be cool to see one by a reef and see what is happening around it ? Like if there are any ill effects or if there providing an micro ecosystem with there own unique critters. Or to see if it would truly effect a coral dirctly. My guess is it wouldent. They are designed for babys. So they arnt toxic.

WHat you think ?
Robka Its great your wanting a clean earth. But please come back down here. The sad truth is most people Are trying to make a difference. Just not to the extreame like you are. Keep doing what you are. Its great but id be willing to bet 90% of people would not be able to do what you are. You are seeming to play the "im better than you because....." card.

People are getting irritated with you because you Were picking apart a fund raiser. Thats not cool. It dosnt matter if you think its wrong. It brings in a huge amount of $$ for reaserch. Wich is a huge deal !

You can pick apart just about anything if you want to. Great if your an activist. Go out and teach the public. If you havent noticed no one has patted you back for what youve said. AND youve gone way off topic. As have i talking to you. If you want to rant please start you own thread.

Now back on topic

Wouldent it be cool to see one by a reef and see what is happening around it ? Like if there are any ill effects or if there providing an micro ecosystem with there own unique critters. Or to see if it would truly effect a coral dirctly. My guess is it wouldent. They are designed for babys. So they arnt toxic.

WHat you think ?

1) I recently had a near death experience with cancer and my passion comes from that (so please forgive the extra enthusiasm ). I don't get why that means I am better than anyone or am looking for a pat on the back? I have started other threads and the same attacks resulted. I kind of hoped that others viewing a forum called "Responsible Reefkeeping" would have other ideas of things I could be doing to help my reef & life have as little impact on this earth as possible. Instead of other ideas I have been accused of political motivation, selling, preaching, etc. Not cool.

2) others on this thread questioned the use of the ducks, but since I chimed in that means I'm hijacking the thread? Again not cool.

3) Actually most rubber ducks contain a chemical called BPA that is not good for children and stores like Toys R Us (because of public pressure) have taken items off their shelves that contain this chemical. This is why I am so passionate about this, because if it wasn't for people being vigilant Toy R Us would still be selling this garbage. I'm sure you can understand this reasoning. I apologize to everyone that thinks I am better than them because of my environmental rant, that is not the purpose or goal of my concern for making this a better planet.:fish1:

Watching my children & your children grow up without cancer is very important to me:)
I'm kind of glad that most people don't feel that way otherwise women wouldn't be allowed to vote, African Americans would still be sitting in the back of the bus and the American Bald eagle would be extinct. :( Sorry for spouting more inane hyperbole

Apology accepted, that was some of your best yet btw :)

1) I recently had a near death experience with cancer and my passion comes from that (so please forgive the extra enthusiasm)

See, while great for you (congrats btw), that doesn't give you a free pass to blow up the responsible reefkeeping forum. I understand you're passionate, but you need to understand that, no matter how much you'd like it to be otherwise, what you keep going on about and reefkeeping are two very separate things. I know you're trying to connect the two through some really abstract reasoning, but it's just not going to happen.

imo the lounge is a great place to continue your new found love of activism without derailing reefkeeping threads, and I'm sure you'll find a much better reception for your opinions in a forum where they're on topic.
Apology accepted, that was some of your best yet btw :)

See, while great for you (congrats btw), that doesn't give you a free pass to blow up the responsible reefkeeping forum. I understand you're passionate, but you need to understand that, no matter how much you'd like it to be otherwise, what you keep going on about and reefkeeping are two very separate things. I know you're trying to connect the two through some really abstract reasoning, but it's just not going to happen.

imo the lounge is a great place to continue your new found love of activism without derailing reefkeeping threads, and I'm sure you'll find a much better reception for your opinions in a forum where they're on topic.

I apologize for drifting, but as I have said before it is my belief that we can help the reefs by using chemical free farming practices & reducing plastic used as much as possible so it doesn't end up in our oceans & all these subjects are related (so thus my drifting). Nothing personal against you, but I felt you took a negative attitude to my original thread and probably acted defensively towards you at that point. I swear my heart & soul that my passion is coming from a really good place:love2:
That sounds like a ton of fun, about how far do they race them? Great to see people coming together for a good cause :)

I'm sure those ducks you guys race leach toxic materials really quickly into water though, just like they do in the bathtubs of the toddlers they were designed for. Everyone knows your kid gets sick by playing with a rubber duckies, you guys should use something else since they're made from spent nuclear fuel rods just like plastic bottles. Either that or crazy people use any excuse to get up on their soapbox and continue hijacking a forum to spout inane hyperbole to no end...

They are dropped from a bridge from a full sized dumptruck and are herded downstream for about a mile maybe 1.25 miles. It takes about 2 hours and the people are at the finish line so they see them coming for about 30 minutes.

The finish line is inside a boom with a tube at the end. Ducks 1 - 10 are the winners. While announcing the winners the other 45000ish ducks get picked up, boxed up, and taken away.

Somehow we always park next to the bikini boat.
It's not so much the ducks from that one container that are a problem. They are simply a interesting visual of a much, much, much larger problem. Yes, the earth is huge and the oceans vast. However, when you can be far offshore doing a plankton tow in the Sargasso Sea and half the sample is plastic bits, it becomes readily apparent that the oceans are not vast enough to deal with the enormous quantities of pollution we create. At a more local level, I really don't want to see piles of plastic bottles on the beach when I take a walk. That's my backyard being littered by people that just don't think such things are a problem :uzi:
It's not so much the ducks from that one container that are a problem. They are simply a interesting visual of a much, much, much larger problem. Yes, the earth is huge and the oceans vast. However, when you can be far offshore doing a plankton tow in the Sargasso Sea and half the sample is plastic bits, it becomes readily apparent that the oceans are not vast enough to deal with the enormous quantities of pollution we create. At a more local level, I really don't want to see piles of plastic bottles on the beach when I take a walk. That's my backyard being littered by people that just don't think such things are a problem :uzi:

It good to see a fellow RC member that realizes plastic is a problem. With all the educational programing on TV these days, it still amazes me how people somehow miss the message:confused:
It good to see a fellow RC member that realizes plastic is a problem. With all the educational programing on TV these days, it still amazes me how people somehow miss the message:confused:

Heck, I don't see how people go out in the world and miss this junk. It's littering the sides of most any road, beaches, and it's even easy to find offshore. Only way I can see anyone not thinking it's a problem is to put on blinders.
Heck, I don't see how people go out in the world and miss this junk. It's littering the sides of most any road, beaches, and it's even easy to find offshore. Only way I can see anyone not thinking it's a problem is to put on blinders.

Amen to that brotha:debi:
I didn't see the part that said it was an accident. But still that is alot of ducks.

Similar accident happened with a nike sneaker container. So many pairs in the water, a website was started to complete pairs up and down the western seabord. The Ducks were actually quite helpful to oceanographers. Events like that are perfect unnatural ways to study ocean currents. Learned alot about easter pacific currents from that mishap.