monthly maintenance cost of a 180+ gallon tank?


I plan on moving my air pump and chiller to the crawlspace directly below my tank, for I dont have a fish room. This hopefully will help in the summer by providing cooler, purer air for the air pump and more efficiency for the chiller, since the crawl space should be around 60F vs. 76F.

I also have a question for you all: Does anyone put their Tunze or SEIO high flow pumps on a timer? I think I would like to have mine run when my MH lights go onto save electricity, but I'm worried the low flow at night may cause low oxygen levels.

I'm not trying to hijack the thread, but how much of a difference do you guys think running a FOWLR would be with just fluorescents or PCs? I'm thinking it may only be only 40-60 a month just for power.

I plan on turning my 300 to salt this year and maybe go all out with sps and clams in a couple years when we go solar.:) That would be pretty intense seeing a large tank where the only monthly costs would be for salt, nutrients, food and fish. Power bills are a killer, haha.
you just have to figure out your extra lighting costs in your area. like my tank if I was fish only I would use 8- 60" 140watters(tank is 120 long by 36 wide) which is 1120 watts thats 120 more than I'm using atm(4-250)
I did have a dart but it was not enough flow, my sump is in the basement and not right under the tank. Also I did have 3 x 250's but switched one up to the 400 because my tank is 30" deep and i wanted to keep some clams on the bottom. I guess the big difference is the food, salt and misc.
Anyways thanks for the suggestions. And your tank looks great.
I saw the pictures of your new acquascaping and it looks really nice.