Monti Cap Frag stung by Digi...


New member
I have a question regarding a digi frag falling on a monti cap frag and burning it...

The rest of the frag looks ok, w/ polp extension...But the spot that got stung looks kind of dead.

Should I let the frag heal on it's own? Or should I break off the spot that was stung?


You can see the burnt spot on the right side, sorry for the crappy pic. The cap supposed to be white w/ purple polyps...

Oh ya caps are deadly my friend! Lost many a acro frags to falling on them.....Usally no need to frag...I just run a small bead of super glue along the edge of good tissue surrounding the exposed stung skeleton...usally works good....unless sting is to bad...these caps pack a punch!

well it was the cap that took the worst of it...The digitata doesn't show any ill effects...I just have that burned spot in the cap. The dead spot does not seem to be spreading...If it starts getting bigger do the superglue around the edge?
interesting...digi's are potant to, hence both of the montipora family...but usally I see the digi's losing to the capricornus....

Yes I do the super glue edging trick on all sps, (and softies to!)...just use the super glue gel....its a sometimes successful alternative to just letting the problem go, or deciding to cut it up in pieces (this does work well in worse case senerios..).

The super glue trick works really well on my favorite family acropora, as well!

I think your problem with a stung spot on the cap should really heal up by real permanant damage I doubt...But I am glad you are concerned...a responsible reefer is a happy reefer!!!!

Doc...I have to disagree. The monti species Capricornus and digitatus should NOT be toxic to one another...ACROS are a different story! I always let a stung Cap or Digi alone, and the tissue grows back, the polyps already have an existing skeleton to repopulate. Mine generally heal within 30 days. I have actually seen Digi growing up out of the center of a Cap.
"Doc...I have to disagree."

Its all good....but they obviously are bad to touch...thats would this thread is about...the digi stung the cap, and left a injury on the obviously they are toxic to oneanother...

I've witnessed digitata (ORA blue) get killed overnight by falling onto a cap(green I think)....I've witnessed caps and digi's fight many times over the years...this is fact my friend....

Now I'm sure not doubting your case...but you can't say all digi's are harmless to all caps and vise versa....the starter of this thread, I and hundreds of other reefers would have to disagree with you....

Now different sub-species (colors) of caps and digi's do have different stings and tolerences...maybe your cap and digi are somewhat tolerant of one another....

nice pic! Like I said some colors tolerate oneanother...sure don't mean they like oneanother....there is stinging/silent warfare going on anytime 2 different kinds of corals touch....just a matter of how potant they are to oneanother....

Either way slick pic! I have both those digi, purple cap...maybe I should place them beside each other...hmmmm.....

Understandable...but not always so pretty as this....thats all I'm saying...

I like your moto salty!
"This hobby is SO MUCH FUN, I can't believe its Legal!"

