Moorish Idol


New member
Does anyone either own or know about the Moorish Idol fish? I have been doing some OL research and am curious about keeping one.:hmm5:
I feel as though a large fowlr with some inexpensive corals grown specifically for the Idol's feeding would be an optimal environment. I've heard they graze on polyps and the such
I have one in my reef tank. Had two, but one died 5 days after getting him.They are ick magnets. Both of mine had it. The one that's still alive still has it even after 4 freshwater baths. The trick is to put them in a stress free environment and make them the dominant fish in the tank. If you get them to eat, you are halfway there. Mine eats like a pig, but gets harassed by my tangs which is probably why the ick is present. Mine picks on cinnamon polyps and sponges, doesn't seem to bother other corals. He's always picking at the rocks. Loves Seaweed, romaine lettuce and now eats mysis and brine shrimp.
I have one in my reef tank. Had two, but one died 5 days after getting him.They are ick magnets. Both of mine had it. The one that's still alive still has it even after 4 freshwater baths. The trick is to put them in a stress free environment and make them the dominant fish in the tank. If you get them to eat, you are halfway there. Mine eats like a pig, but gets harassed by my tangs which is probably why the ick is present. Mine picks on cinnamon polyps and sponges, doesn't seem to bother other corals. He's always picking at the rocks. Loves Seaweed, romaine lettuce and now eats mysis and brine shrimp.

Pics!!!!!! and video?
I knew someone that had a huge colony of fire and ice polpys. the size of a football. that fish ate all of them
I have been keeping them since the 70s, there is a long (years long) thread on here about them.
There is one common thread I've seen in every successful case of keeping Moorish Idols that I personally know of...large tanks with plenty of live rock for them to graze on in between feedings.
imo, it's a fish that should probably be taken out of the hobby. Way too many of them die at the hands of even the most experienced reef keepers. I understand that a very limited number of people have had success, but not enough to warrant this fish sticking around.

So to answer your question, you can attempt it for sure but realize that this will probably end up being the hardest thing you try to keep alive in your tank.

"imo, it's a fish that should probably be taken out of the hobby. Way too many of them die at the hands of even the most experienced reef keepers. I understand that a very limited number of people have had success, but not enough to warrant this fish sticking around.

So to answer your question, you can attempt it for sure but realize that this will probably end up being the hardest thing you try to keep alive in your tank."

I had one for a wile doing great and eating fine, then it mysteriously died?:uhoh3:

I think you guys need to give a kid a break.

We were all not so smart at 12 or 13.
Let's just try to guide him towards the right direction. ;)
I saw one today at one of the bird road Lfs. I forgot the name of that Lfs. The blue building. To say the least it didn't look so hot. It was really skinny.
I think you guys need to give a kid a break.

We were all not so smart at 12 or 13.
Let's just try to guide him towards the right direction. ;)

Yeah, sorry, after re-reading my response I realize it may have come off somewhat harsh. I apologize for sounding douchy. I was just trying to explain that it is a REALLY difficult fish to keep.

I would strongly advise against buying one, especially in a reef aquarium, but if you do give it a shot, keep us posted and definitely search the forums for advice.

Good luck! :cool:
Jorge, I didn't think you were douchy at all and i thought it was absolutely right on what you said and I wasn't thinking about your comment at all no need to apologize buddy. :)

I was just observing and saw people gang up on him everytime. Yes, it's easier to pick on the kid and yes, it may even be entertaining at times but that's not what this club is about you know? I think too many people jump on this bandwagon instead of trying to help him learn the ropes. We have all made stupid mistakes in the past and killed our fair share of fish and corals so what makes him any different was what I wanted to say. Let's give him a chance since he's making efforts to learn and making efforts to be an conscious aquarist.