More macros

Reef Bass

colors and textures
More shots from a club member's tank.

Wintergreen Stag

Alien Eye Favia

Miyagi Tort

A chalice from Vivid

A. prostrata

Candy Cane

GARF Bonsai
Well done again Ken, I think some frags will need to be made up for your efforts. Let me know when you want to have another go at the purple Turaki.
WOW!!!!! Awesome macro.. Please let me know, what camera and lens are you using? What was your lighting setup? And will you share your exif info..
Thanks all.

bee0677, I'm using a Canon EOS 50D with Canon 100mm macro lens. The lighting was my bud's tank lighting (14,000K 175w MHs in super focused reflectors, T5s).

You can always view the exif info in a pic (provided it exists) with an exif info viewer, such as the free one for Windows from Opanda: exif viewer.

As a generalization, I think these were shot between F11 and F14 for roughly 1/4 - 1/2 second, ISO 100 in RAW mode. I usually shoot remotely, meaning using my laptop and viewing Live View on my laptop screen and setting everything except focus from my laptop. I always use a tripod, turn all pumps off, and shoot straight through the glass (acrylic in this case).
Thanks all.

bee0677, I'm using a Canon EOS 50D with Canon 100mm macro lens. The lighting was my bud's tank lighting (14,000K 175w MHs in super focused reflectors, T5s).

You can always view the exif info in a pic (provided it exists) with an exif info viewer, such as the free one for Windows from Opanda: exif viewer.

As a generalization, I think these were shot between F11 and F14 for roughly 1/4 - 1/2 second, ISO 100 in RAW mode. I usually shoot remotely, meaning using my laptop and viewing Live View on my laptop screen and setting everything except focus from my laptop. I always use a tripod, turn all pumps off, and shoot straight through the glass (acrylic in this case).

Thank you for the info...