move to new house


In Memoriam
I am in the process of moving into my new house - and will have lots of room for all the equipment in the garage. Hoping to get the tank started before x'mas - if everything goes well, and money situation works out well.

Just as i got the RO water run across the house, by drilling holes everywhere, and cutting up drywall & fixing most of it - i move ... urg. but this time it will all be easier - the tank is going against the wall that meets the garage - one large hole & i'll be there.
lol. i know. i wouldn't wish it upon anybody ... especially not what happened to you!

i just bought a whole house RO system ... cost me another fortune. should be here by mid of next week.
it may have cost you alot but thats awesome. I would do anything 4 that(well maybe not anything lol) not only for my fish but thinkn of how much healthier that is for everything!
only thing i hate about my RO is how much waste water it produces. It just kills me how much water goes down the drain
alright - we're ALL moved in ... last piece of furniture was moved in yesterday ... LONG week! the tank area actually looks very good.

I'm going to build a small 'room' in the garage where all of the equipment will be ... maybe about 7' x 3' .. more like a closet.

i'll try to get some pics one of these days.
well... the whole house RO is on - and working like a champ ... the product measures @ about 25 PPM of TDS ... before it was @ about 1200-1400 PPM TDS .. the waste is testing @ about 2800 PPM TDS.
took 7 trips to the stores for plumbing supplies, and a LOT of messing around, and creativity to make the plumbing work ... but its done!

this weekend i will try to get my tank setup, everything minus the final sump/fuge & the lights.

any idea where i can find the large rubbermaid containers that folks like to use for sumps?
ok .. a few pictures of the new place ... the interiors are a few months old - from when the house was still under construction.


where the tank is/is going to be:


Virtual Tour:
This weekend was very productive - no, the tank is not plumbed yet - but will be soon.

1. Ran power in the garage
2. Got shelves & hooks/hangers up on the wall to take stuff off the floor & out of the future 'fish room' corner wall.

i picked up a 6" hole saw - Hopefully i will do that tonight - & get things plumbed tomorrow?!
oh boy!
I opened a can of worms when i used that 6" hole saw to connect the living room to the garage for the piping & misc. stuff. ..... i ended up cutting 2 power cables that weren't supposed to be there ... then i ripped off about 32 sqft of drywall & replacing that with sandyply plywood as walls! i'll get them up today, and drill the holes in them for the access, and power - tomorrow i'll coat them with polyurathane (sp?).

this is a never ending project? why do i always make things so damn difficult? i should've bought a damn 10g tank & called it a day! lol
remind 'me' to never let myself get to work with a saw, nail and/or screw gun ... and or other tools ... i'll end up remodelling a brand new house. lol

$500 later in tools & supplies - i replaced the drywall w/ plywood, created 10 power outlets (5 CGFI/5 normal) & still haven't gottena chance to plumb anything up yet - i'll be going into work late tomorrow to get that done - and tomorrow night i'll be picking up LR & LS .... hopefully by midnight ill be back in fort myers .... sucks that its this cold now - i might have to get some heaters until i build the insulated closet/room for the sump/fuge & equiptment.

also have to pick up some polyurathane tomorrow ... do they sell it @ home depot?

more tomorrow.
also have to pick up some polyurathane tomorrow ... do they sell it @ home depot?

Yes sir they do, in the staining isle usually!!! :D
alright. then i'm GOOD TO GO - i hope ... how long does that stuff need to dry?

how many coats did you put on your stand/canopy?
I put on 3 coats and it takes about 8 hrs or so to dry, but depends on the type!!! Can ya call me to let me know what is going on as far as ya swinging by!! Thanks man.. :D I gotta head out and start the day, I work for myself so ya can call me anytime!!!
just got home - everything made it ... lost some water, but doesn't look like all too much - will be able to see tomorrow.

Nice to have met you, and your wife!
WOW man, look at the time ya got home!!!! Holy Crap :D

Glad everything made it alright and it was nice meeting everyone also..GL and dont be shy to add pics :D
geezus .... we just unloaded the truck ... myself & a coworker. we thought we had a good drip on the sand tote ... DROP to the ground. hasn't moved since, and i doubt it will anytime soon. lol.

lindsey took the camera ... so no pics :-(

now i'm going to work.

Thanks again mike!