Mtg Notes (for those of us unable to attend ...)


New member
Any chance of getting a summary of the club meeting last Friday? Anyone? How did the SPS thing go. I really wanted to attend especially for the SPS talk, but wasn't able to.

On another slightly unrelated note, was that really DBR that posted in a couple of threads? :D Wow, we haven't heard from DBR in quite some time. DBR - send me a pm or something. I'd like to come over and check out your tank(s) for a couple of minutes sometime ...
The quick summary is that the SPS guy couldn't make it, so Moonpower talked a bit about montiporas and did a little Q&A.

Tigersax gave a demo where he used his handheld router to smooth the edges of Israel's DIY nano so they were flush with the sides and got lots of acrylic shavings everywhere.

Mara's food was a hit and there were a good number of people and frags to pass around.

Did I forget anything?
Jen talked briefly about organizing a beginners' scuba class with one of the local scuba shops. She noted that anyone wishing to participate would need to be an active member of NMOK with current dues paid in order to participate in this class.

Also some miscellaneous jibber jabber about the summer meeting schedule which I didn't commit to memory. ;)

Food was excellent, Israel's tank is beautiful, Xavier is a typical toddler, and thanks to Israel and Mara for hosting.