Mushrooms eaten away from the center.


We bought 2 rocks from a shop nearby, and one of the mushrooms was eaten away from the center. The mushrooms were a bit fuzzy and neon yellow/green. Eventually all the neon ones wound up melting. Well now the second rock, which were purple frilly/hairy mushrooms are doing the same thing. The shroom is 'unravelling' from the center and i fear its going to end up the same way

Has anyone seen this or have experience with it? I'm afraid its going to spread to the other mushrooms in my tank (which there are a lot of).
Yes, my rhodactis shroom does open up at the center before it splits. The ricordeas spit from the edge like pinched.
This pic is just before this rhodactis split.

I did not take pics of it in the actual splitting. I did not think it was interesting.
Whisperer- I think you misunderstood the op.

It's usually caused stress from water quality/lighting. I see it happen a lot at my lfs. The mouth will dissolve first, making the mushroom look like a doughnut and then the rest of it will dissolve. If the mouth dissolves- 99% chance the mushroom will die.
My rhodactis do not die when they start making holes from the mouth. I did understand what he/she was saying. I was stating my experience. This may not hold true for you.
FWIW, here is the same shroom after the "center meltdown", Note the left green tentacles of the original are now at the new shroom at the left.
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