Must See TV! Equator on Discovery HD

Not to cause a debate, but I saw the Okinawa show a couple times. Not nearly as graphic and informative, for our purposes, as this Equator Show.
The information about Acroporas, the relationship between the coral and free swimming algae forming the Zoox was incredible. The images of other reef shows are just glimpses compared to the endless Giant Plate corals shown here. Some of the corals look like 12 foot diameter Efflos. I guess a lot of them are other types of Tables. It's a wonder that Tables and Efflos aren't less expensive for us, they seem abundent. Maybe it's the colors involved.

And how about the way the guy pronounced Acropora?
I agree Hef the okinawa show was pretty cool, but the Equator show was fantastic! Hands down the best show I have seen on coral reefs as of yet.
Saw it this afternoon. Great show. I can't wait to order it once it comes out on DVD.

Took me a while to figure out what he was talking about, acropora and algae.
