Mutt's Build - IM's New Fusion 40

I thought about this same thing for my future tank. In my opinion the x15 is an excellent product, but the decision all comes down to the types of coral you will be housing in your tank. Do you want to be limited by your light? Is really all you need to consider when it comes down to choosing between the two. Also something to think about some day will you want to move up in tank size? If you do than the x30 would probably be best.
Hey sorry guys... Noticed some activity recently on the thread. The x30 non pro is an excellent choice both for coverage and resale. I mean if the x15 was half the cost maybe I would consider it with the wide angle lens upgrade. Furthermore, I believe its nice to have more than not enough.

The new cadlights pls-50 pro looks nice. However, I love my AMaxx HOB.
40 fusion on order, Glad I found this thread looking forward to your progression. Excellent work on the stand, like the white paint in side make a lot of sense! Keep up the great work.

<a href="" title="IMG_2709 by MuttleyDN, on Flickr"><img src="" width="640" height="427" alt="IMG_2709"></a><a href="" title="IMG_2710 by MuttleyDN, on Flickr"><img src="" width="640" height="427" alt="IMG_2710"></a>

Couple of updated pics.. Started dosing.. Hope your Eheim solved your issue Biz!

Where did you get the water jugs that your using for your ato/doser? how many gallons are they? I'm looking for slim 2.5gal water jugs. thanks!
Yes it is the BRS jugs... and thanks, I thought I would spend a little more time on the cables since I had a fresh start. It make it alot easier to locate plugs.

-Mutt :)
Been watching your build. How are you running the 2 mp's? Anti sync?
Just scored a second mp for my 40. should have awesome flow now..
Been watching your build. How are you running the 2 mp's? Anti sync?
Just scored a second mp for my 40. should have awesome flow now..

Yes, 2 mp10's! I run them in sync... I like the flow a little better. Lagoon is what I run them on till 9pm then 1 hour on constant 95% to stir up the detritus.

Yes, 2 mp10's! I run them in sync... I like the flow a little better. Lagoon is what I run them on till 9pm then 1 hour on constant 95% to stir up the detritus.


95%? Wow..must be one fun ride for the fish! Don't think I've exceeded 80% in nutrient transport. I've been varying the program via the apex though the day peaking at 75% lagoon. Should be fun trying to tune the 2.
Thanks and keep up the great work!
Well peeps, Im running out of room.. Bare bottom is no longer bare bottom with all the coraline and corals.... If I were to do it all over again, I would buy the same equipment. All lighting, skimmer, and automation worked wonders to keep my tank healthy.... I will post a new build thread soon!

Enjoy your Fusions IM Owners... It is a very nice tank!



Teaser pic of the next project...

I've had my IM 40 for a couple months now and just noticed an issue. Under the baffles in the back in the corners detritus is collecting pretty bad. I really don't have enough room in the center baffle area to get my arm down there with a hose to siphon it out. Is anyone else seeing this and if so how are you handling it? Tbh it seems like a design flaw.
Hey Muttley, first of all, thanks for posting so many pictures and updates to this build thread. My setup is going to be almost identical to yours. I have a 40 fusion (Black Friday splurge) and a Radion xr30w G3 arriving next week. I am currently running the aquamaxx Hob-1 on my 28 cube and will be moving it over to the new tank.

It sort of looks like your skimmer output pipe has been rigged to empty into your first chamber. Were you having a microbubble problem until you did that? And did that fix it? Also what size 90 degree elbow did you have to buy for the output? Any additional information you could give me about that modification would be appreciated as I'll probably end up doing the same thing.

Tank looks great! This thread has been a great inspiration to me as I wait for mine to be delivered.