As for shipping them. It's going to cost a boat load of $$$ via super premium priority express. All said and done, may not be worth it provided they're willing to do it. Well, forsure shipping to me will be rediculous. You're a few thousand miles closer... But I doubt what would help. :-(
I thought about bringing a Blue Tang or two back home. But I opted not to since I'm not sure what customs Canada would do. I think it should be okay. It's not endangered and it's not like I'm going to release it into a lake when it gets too big! It would have been in a bag for atleast 20 hrs from purchase to going back home. So, lots of stress by the time it hits my tank and I have no quarintine tank. On top of that, I didn't bother to find out what customs may do, so I dropped the idea for the sake of the fish.
Definately, I couldn't bring back coral due to CITES but most fish should be okay. 20 years ago, my parents brought back crabs caught from a HK beach and a few foam boxes full of goldfish for their aquarium store. Besides turtles, customs didn't care 20 years ago (but I sneaked two in my backpack... heheh).