My 1st 180 RR Project, Cust Built stand/canopy Tunzes etc..

I got it running again to test some things, I didnt think about removing them totally, maybe I can try that, but thats something I will do when ya here and seen it running with them on, itll only take me 5-10 mins to take out, and YES we flooded the stand because of that new terror of a kittin, he knocked the ro/di line out of the sump for who know how long, but we cleaned that up and didnt do any damage to anything thank god. When I cut the power to the pump I still have 6" of the "whole" 75 left so to me theres no way of overflowing the sump, I do see what ya saying about that and I just might take them all away, but like i said b4 I want you to see it when its running the way it sits right now.
The pump needs a breaking in period!!???? Really? How long does that take!!??

Also what is the smallest size hole I use to start out with drilling the plugs that go into the Durso return? Id like to see if that will quiet the thing down for now? Thanks
probably 1/8 inch and then step up one size at a time. do one cap at a time until it is good then move on to the next then you can do the others with the same and that should work out. when you put the cap or plug in without drilling you will see the water get sucked out of the overflow and then the durso will break with air then the level will go back up and then down and break. when it stops doing this you are there. maybe try to do the tallest one first? I can't remember exactly. it takes a few tries to get it really nice.
oh yeah pump break in means it will get a sime coat on it from bacteria and whatever else and will quiet down slightly on your pump and alot on others. plastic doesn't really like water and repells it for lack of a better way to say it and when the slime coat is there it will let the water slide by easier. not sure if that came out right but hopefully you understand. usually takes about a week or 2.
if it is little you can shut off the water and make sure it stops leaking and take a tooth pick and dip it in the blue glue and fill in were it is leaking. let it dry 10-15 minutes and do it again. if it's small it will seal it and not leak again. at least this is what I do and so far everytimeit has worked. I have used this method on geothermal condensors with a water pressure of 80psig. much higher than aquarium use.
LOL Darn, now I have the whole return section all apart!!!LOL
Ill keep that in mind if I have any other leaks!!! Thanks for that info dooooood!!:D
K, repairs are completed, wish me luck, im going to turn the pump on in 5 mins!Lets see what happens!! <fingers crossed>
:bounce2: :bounce3: :bounce1: :bounce2: :bounce3: :bounce1: :bounce2: :bounce3: :bounce1:

WOOOOO HOOOO!!! Leaks are a gonner!!! I got the T-5's and the MH's on also. Looking good so far

Rob, I started with the 1/8 holes and it did quiet it down alot but its still a little noisy, im not going to drill any larger till ya get hear, but its been running for almost an hour and no leaks, so I think there all taking care of. Thanks man...
sweet glad to hear it. now if I could just get the leaks under our sink to stop. they don't make anything like they used to. the plumbing parts are complete junk. almost every single fitting leaks. bought from home depot if anyone wants to run from there plumbing parts.
Ohh man, that stinks ,, I am not the biggest fan of plumbing under the sink. Hey how did your countertops turn out?
well i am glad to hear your plumbing is all completed and the tank is finally filled up now on to the better parts of a reef tank:D congrats so far
FTR those baffles were designed with a different amount of flow in mind. that snapper is gonna change things quite a bit.
the guys that came out did an awesome job on the seams you can't even see them from a few feet away and when you get close they look great. there is a small chip in the edge that cannot be seen at all but I can feel it so we left a message and will see about that. I would definately recommend cutting edge. the lowest price by far and excellent work.
not sure what to do about the plumbing though there is no way to put these things together wrong and the pipe is clean. some more of that chinese home depot junk I guess.
Sam- Thanks, Im going to be getting a euro-reef skimmer and some live rock hopefully this weekend if not than deffently next weekend for sure, just waiting for a guy on here to sell off his livestock.

Jamie- Yes Jamie ya right, Im going to have to bascially elimate that glass completley, another waist of money!!! But with this pump its amazing how much flow this thing pushes!! Its an easy fix though.

Rob- Cool man Im glad that came out good, now ya can get ya kitchen life back together!!! :) WOW if you continue to have problems with that plumbing, I can take a look at it for you, one day when Im not too busy, which those days should be comming soon, Im pretty much caught up with my customers and so far not too many big things going on after that, but that could change by my phone ringing tommorow!!
thanks mike I could be wrong but I definately think it is a junk part deal. I may scrap the plastic and go metal. I think tightening down on the compression fitting is just crushing the pipe. they always have to make things cheaper for some reason but the price never goes down.
we are still waiting for a sheet of maple plywood for the wall behind the stove so we can finally finish tiling. she still has alot to do there. she is really good tiling so I play the mixing boy and do cuts for her. I think she cuts better also but I have to do something.
have you talked to john about making something to hold the socks? then again if we cut off some of the drain pipe your crossbar thing would probably work just fine and just hang them.
Yeah compression fitting can be a real pain in the boooootay!!! Hey I can use a really good tilier!!! Im good at it but dont like doing it, hurts my back!! And she cuts good also, tell her shes hired!!!! Actually I can probally have a job for her, its 2400sq ft of tiling!!! Anyways not sure if I can talk on here about that kinda stuff, well yeah i was thinking of cutting those pipes and for now just using the crossbar thingys, there working fine, I just fired the system back on when i got home and i think im going to leave it on for now on, everything is hunky doorie with the plumbing!!
sounds good I would leave it on just because.
about her we will just say she isn't for hire. especially now since we have so much of our own stuff to do. 2400 sq ft is huge though that will be some job. I have to say good luck to you. I don't like tiling either but I guess if it pays the bills I am easy to persuade.
LOL I hear ya, ohh im not doing that job, I was just saying that I most def can get it for her, but its cool, theres a guy thats going to do it but he kind of stinks at it, the guy whos flipping the house asked me if I wanted to do it and I said NO!!! I have the wet saw and everything but I have some jobs now that I need to have my back in good shape!!! So I passed on it.
Hey Rob, do you by any chance have a close up pic of your sump by where the socks are or just the entire sump? Thanks