My 1st 180 RR Project, Cust Built stand/canopy Tunzes etc..

thats as fast as the ro will run. easier to make it in the tank instead of a bucket then dump straight into the tank.
hey mike have you thought about hoe to get evaporated water back into the tank? will there be enough clearance to dump a bucket in there? I can barely get one in mine and my sump is only 16 inches tall. I forgot to mention this earlier.
YES much easier than running back and forth with buckets!!!

Rob--"hoe"!!!! LOL I know what ya mean though!!!!Look at what ya calling me!!! :D

Well Id like to do the auto top off, but for the meantime id just be filling it up with a pump feeding out of a bucket or something

OH YEAH, drilling is done, came out perefect!!!! Just going to clean the sump and get evertythin finalized
thats funny I fly pretty good when I type so I make alot of mistakes. glad the drilling is done.
hey mike you are going to evaporate 2-3 gallons a day I am guessing a pump and bucket will get very old. dumping a bucket wouldn't be to bad but draging a pump out is a real drag. that little water bottle might fit in there if your lucky.
Ahh true true Rob didnt think of that, Ill figure that out one of these days!!!! Yes im feeling much better now that, thats done. Now Rob should I go ahead and glue everything and make everything neat and tidey!!?????

Don Lino-- whats ya wanna see????? :)

Thanks Jamie, for the hole!!
Heres the pics......


oh yeah I would get everything glued and straight. the adjustments can't be made until it's full and running anyway. remember to check every fitting to make sure it's glued because I only glued what I knew wouldn't change and need to be held in place. I think I glued the pipe in the bulkheads on the right side only because they were long and heavy but the other side is not glued.
did you silicone both sides of the 2 inch bulkhead gasket?
Na, that bulkhead I only put into place cause of the pic, But I will silicone both sides... OK and I WILL make sure I check everything
Yup, I am doing away with the fuge for now. I might add one in a totally seperate tank one day. The design totally changed in the sump, I am now going to have 4 drains into 4 seperate socks, which in return will go through the baffles and into the large area where my skimmer will be and than return to the tank.
don you need to take a trip to fish and other ichthy stuff if you haven't seen it before. not that he came up with it but all his normal stock sumps are like this. I have been running like this for years. it just gives me more room to move equipment around if I need to or work on something. mike just didn't have any room left for a skimmer since he has an oceanic for a sump and that big ol glass brace in the middle. really messes up your plans for the refugium. I have been debating a small refugium but all I want it for is a little algea and new fish holding so if they get sick they are easier to treat and catch. the 265 makes it tough.
R1blade75-- Thanks for that compliment!!! It did turn out nice

Rob,, MAN O MAN, this plumbing glue really s*x!!! Ya did a much better job than me, talking about things being not streight!!!!! hahahha J/K, I have all the drains completed and glued into place, now I have to work on the returns and I think the tank has reached its half way point, time for a celebration!!!! wooohooooo
:beer: :bounce1: :bounce3: :dance: :clown: :celeb3: :celeb2:
Oh...Im still new to this, sorry. I've been FAOIS but I guess I missed that. I was gonna go with the sketch someone posted on this forum on a 75gal like Mike was...(Like mike)
Don Lino- never be sorry, I was in the beginning alot, but ya have to learn from somewhere!!! Its totally cool to ask a million questions, well maybe not that much :)!! But thats what ya learn from is questions....

Rob-dont get dirty now!!!! Ill have to report ya!!! J/K :D
how's the storm treating you up there? it is sunny here right now but I can see a large band that will be coming through later supposed to drop some serious rain.