My 235 Gal. Corner Bowfront Build


New member
Finally finished the stand. Tank is due to arrive in about 2 weeks!









My wife and I really like the old worn out look... So I tried to make it look like it's old. The tiles will eventually wrap around the bottom stand like the canopy, It just wont fit through the front door with that on there.
This stand measures 48"x48"x84" It's big. Pictures don't do it justice...
Thanks for looking.


My existing tank is so loud. So I'm taking every measure so that my new system will be virtually silent...
Starting with the Herbie, Iwaki fan replacement, and Complete sound proofing from Foam Factory:
That sound deadning is a great idea, and i know someone that did it. it worked great, but it added tons of heat because there is no heat escaping or venting. (he actually connected his stand and canopy together and used fans to circulate between the two and to vent the heat out of the canopy.)

So, be ready just in case you need to add some vent holes or something.....

Keep us updates on it!
(oh, and i saw the clear tubing off the iwaki and it looks a little flat. just wondering why you dont hard plumb it to the UV or use some SpaFlex to get the rest of the GPH out of the pump and not loose it to restrictions and what not.) just curious.
nice work on the stand . looks awesome . if you connect the return of the pump with soft plumbing instead of hard plubing it should help with the noise level .
1. Acrylic is 3/4" on sides. 1/2" on front, top, bottom.

2. Can't say on the skimmer yet, there's nothing to skim yet...(but it's a beast)

3. Thank you. The return pump is connected with vinyl tubing. Plus I removed the stock fan. Can hardly hear it!
Awesome tank. I have a 92 corner tank. Very cool but I hate the lack of workspace. Looks like you solved that issue pretty well with that big of a tank. Great design.
Awesome tank! The stand is one piece of art and I wish I had the carpentry skills like you to make one myself!