my 240

Ora yellow pocci top down

another ????

same top down

aquamarine special

texreefer A. chesterfieldensis top down
Last batch


pink jade #2 top down

greenmako A. meridiana top down

akm yellow A. sp. top down

texreefer green stag top down

texreefer blue tip stag top down
have you considered one or the other? There are some interesting results. So now that a month has cruised by what are your overall thoughts?
overall i am pleased. most of my corals now look better than they did before i started the change-over. i used to be able to take better pics with the halides, but the natural light has thrown a wrench in my picture taking abilities - lots of the color on some of the corals just doesnt come out on the pics now. also, now that the corals have adjusted to the light change and recovered from the alkalinity/pH issue, there are lots of new growth tips....

the next month may be pretty exciting as far as the tank goes.
small update - i have continued to have some recession on the bases of a few corals. i noticed my three stripe damsels picking on the corals, but could never tell if they were eating because the coral was dieing or if they were eating healthy coral. then, i caught two of them picking on my tulip mille which is very healthy and they were picking at it right in the middle. so, i had to take nearly everything out of the tank to get rid of em....

i tried an acrylic fish trap for a few hours, but they wouldnt even get close

here is the tank after about 4 hours of work

here it is around midnight reassembled - changed the rock work a bit to give the vlamingi even more swimming room and prolong the inevitable finding him a new home


Wow doesn't begin to describe it. Hummm, Wonder if it would work up north here in IL. Winter months might not be enough light. The wheels of invention are turning. Awesome build sir.
thanks chops.... i am sure you would be fine in the summer, but you are probably right about needing some suppliment in the winter.
Things are looking great. It must be great having all these corals finally color up for you and seeing the change, always fun and rewarding. You have some very nice colonies in there. Looking forward to next week!
it has definitely been a great change thirschmann, some of my corals look much better now than they ever did under halides.
i had been AEFW free for nealy two years...... until this morning.

i found eggs on the bottom of two large colonies and on a third colony, one large (1/4") worm. i took all three of them out and dipped them, but found no other flat worms i thought my fluke tabs may be too old, so i even took a large chunk of one of the colonies with eggs and put it in tap water - no flatworms came off

i will not be tearing the tank down to dip and quaranteen like i did the first time. instead, i will get some AEFW hunting wrasses to keep them under control.
Sorry to hear about the AEFW Ace. I know how much work it is to QT a whole collection :( Were you dipping and QTing all new corals that were coming in. Have you added anything new in a while?