My 240G Addiction - It's a Miracle

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Awesome! I just bought one for myself. I have had this sneaking suspicion that my Iwaki MD70 has some sort of voltage leak. Now I will know for sure.
Sorry if I missed it but do you plan on staying BB. I've got my 200g sitting in the garage and am in the planning stages and BB or DSB decision is killing me......
Ricecakeguy - Thanks it has been a big commitment. I took delivery of the tank last November and I'm still not done.

dvanacker - I plan on staying BB. I had a 2 inch sand bed in my old 90 gallon and I could not believe how dirty the sand bed became. Even with all of the snails and crabs it stayed pretty dirty. When I took the tank down and pulled out all of the sand it was almost black at the bottom. That's why I decided to go BB.

jackiechandc - Thanks, I couldn't be happier with the rock. I always thought I would stick with the Marshall island but now that it's near impossible to get I have to say I like the Eco-Rox just as much.

SuperR - Thanks, I think you will like BB over sand. How is your Miracles tank coming along?
Awesome work. My 240 from Miracles is ready to ship. I've scheduled a final electrical inspection for the work I did in the fish room for next week and assuming it's good, I'll be making a call to Derek. Just need to get some people together to move it now. How many guys did it take to move it into position? I'm thinking six of us. I have the additional challenge of having to get it down a flight of stairs into my basement - this requires that I stand it on end to make it through the doorway.
You may need more than 6. I had my 240 from Miracles brought in straight from the truck to the house, no stairs, with 6 good sized guys and it was rough. More the better and get the suction cups for glass to help carry it.
I do plan to get suction cups. I just need to make some calls to rental shops hoping I find some.

I actually have a steel utility cart that will support the weight no problem. I plan to wheel it from the lift gate to the door of the house and then remove it from the crate so we can lift and move it through the door. At that point, we're on carpet just a few feet from the basement so the time we actually spend holding it will be minimal. I'm most concerned about getting it down the stairs. Thinking of using some 2 x 6's to slide it down. Someone suggested using an appliance dolly because it can negotiate stairs with it's belts (similar to a tank), but I'm concerned with using one with 600+ lbs of glass. Makes me nervous even if I padded it well.
Take the tank out of the crate before you get it out of the truck. Makes life a lot easier and a lot less weight. They really build the crate well and it weighs a ton with all the wood the use. In regards to the stairs and being nervous, just take it slow and all will be fine. There tanks are built very well.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=13289007#post13289007 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Oldtimer
I do plan to get suction cups. I just need to make some calls to rental shops hoping I find some.

I actually have a steel utility cart that will support the weight no problem. I plan to wheel it from the lift gate to the door of the house and then remove it from the crate so we can lift and move it through the door. At that point, we're on carpet just a few feet from the basement so the time we actually spend holding it will be minimal. I'm most concerned about getting it down the stairs. Thinking of using some 2 x 6's to slide it down. Someone suggested using an appliance dolly because it can negotiate stairs with it's belts (similar to a tank), but I'm concerned with using one with 600+ lbs of glass. Makes me nervous even if I padded it well.

I just moved my 300 gal. It was 3/4 glass but had PVC bottom. Total weight was 540lbs. I rented 6 pairs of suction cups at Cresco. After an exhaustive search, they were the only ones I found who rented them. We had about 7 people. Two were BIG guys and we all strained.

Oldtimer - Congrats on the new tank. I had five guys including myself for the move. I definitely could of used more but we made it work. The question is how are you going to get it off the truck? That was my biggest concern/challenge so I'll share what I did. I wish I had pictures of the actual move but it was all hands on deck. My tank/crate was put on the 53' freight truck lengthwise with very little room to move; as the truck was full of other product. I rented a truck with a lift gate; the key was finding a truck that was standard dock height with a lift gate. Ryder was the only one I could find that had them. Others had trucks with lift gates but they were not standard dock height. I wanted to make sure I could back up the rental truck to the freight truck and have no difference in height. When the freight truck showed up at my house I backed my rental truck with the lift gate to the back of the freight truck. Then we had to slide the crate off the truck and onto the lift gate. You would think it would slide easier than it does. It was a beast. We lowered the whole crate to the ground removed the crate and put the tank on furniture dolly's. Luckily I only had to get it to the garage. I used a Genie lift to raise the tank about 4' to put it on the stand. Good luck. Let us know how it goes.
Thanks. I requested a truck with lift gate from Derek so my intention is to get the tank onto the lift gate and lower it enough to get it onto the steel cart I have. It may require a few guys supporting one end of the tank based on your comments about room to move the crate, but one way or the other I'm sure we'll manage. At least the cart is a few feet off the ground - easier to lift from that level then from ground level. I'll eventually create a thread for my build. I've accumulated lots of pictures so far.
Be sure to double check with Derek to make sure you are truly getting one with a lift gate. I originally requested that and then they said they couldn't get one. Granted that was a year ago so they may be using someone different now.
We'll I received a new addition to the family today.

What could it be?


A Bubble King SuperMarin 300. This thing is big (a coke can for reference). It's very well built.



A perfect fit in the sump


It started skimming the minute I put it in. This thing pulls some serious air - 3600 lph. I'm sure I will spend the next couple of days tweaking it. But so far it looks good.




For those of you who have been following my thread my wonder why I don't have the Volcano 1850 I ordered. Long story short after 5 months I got extremely frustrated that my Volcano wasn't done. Since June I heard it would be done 'next week' which never happened. I also got concerned that Volcano 1850 users started noticing the 1850 wasn't really pulling a lot of air. As a result they are seeing or starting to see problems with their tanks. Not Good! I wasn't about to take a chance. For more info take a look at the Volcano Club thread in Vendor Experiences. I decided to go with something tried and true, a Bubble King! I also looked at the ATB's and they are top notch as well. Down the road I will add the BK Self Cleaning Head.

I also aquascaped the tank on Saturday. Lights are off now so I will take pictures tomorrow.
I just got my 310 from Derek at miracles yesterday.. I also asked for a lift gate but they couldn't find one.. So don't count on it lol They were very nice about it. After a week of waiting he just said he couldn't do it..
This is what I did

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=13367802#post13367802 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by 8BALL_99
I just got my 310 from Derek at miracles yesterday.. I also asked for a lift gate but they couldn't find one.. So don't count on it lol They were very nice about it. After a week of waiting he just said he couldn't do it..
This is what I did


Congrats on the tank. That's a great way to move the crate. So does it have water in it yet? :D JK! Miracles builds a great tank. Did you go with Starphire? This was my first tank with Starphire and love it.
I just got off the phone with the delivery service this morning. I'm getting a lift gate. I guess they like my money more. :D

Tank is being delivered this Friday.

Awesome skimmer. Great choice. I have a BK 300 External myself. Haven't used it yet.