My 240G Addiction - It's a Miracle

thats nice and very clean in wall. great job on the full extension slides, do you have any actuator on those slides?
mcliffy2 - I know it's a little overkill. However I plan on stocking the tank pretty heavy. It will handle anything I throw at it. It can also be upgraded if I ever go bigger. I don't ever plan on doing that, but the option is there. This should be the last skimmer I ever need to buy, right. ;) By the way your build is coming along nicely.

cubi2 - I actually got the slide idea from your thread. I really liked how clean your setup came out.
Here are some pics of the access above the tank from the back side. The light rack is on a pulley system so it goes up easily. I can reach pretty much the whole tank. I'm glad I have front access if I really need it.





These pictures just reminded me I still need to install the IceCap T5 reflectors.

By the way - The moonlights are from my old tank. They are made by fishbowlinnovations and have their own controller. I would like to add additional tubes but I have the original version which has a different connector than the new ones so I don't think I can add any more tubes. I should probably check. The two tubes actually have a pretty good spread on a 6 foot tank. I will probably end up switching to Neptunes Lunar Sim.
Wow this is an incredible build. Excellent craftsmanship. I wish I would have found this a few months back when I started. The front access is for sure a plus. I have been wanting to finish my mantel. I love yours it came out beautiful. Everything is top notch, excellent job.

Keep the updates and pics coming.....
Thanks Eric. I'm really glad I added the front access. When it's closed you can't even tell it opens. My wife was concerned with how large of a trim piece I would have to add to cover the access but I think it came out well. By the way, your build looks great too. I've been following it for a while now.

I got my Neptune breakout box yesterday and started experimenting with it last night. I must say it's a cool little add on to the ACIII. I was able to extend the wires of my float switch 75 feet and it still worked. Now I just have to run that cable from the overflow to the fish room.
jKnecht looks great. I have been reading from the beginning. Vary nice. Can you tell me were you purchased your fan. I have a bath room fan in my tank room but its not enough. Thanks.
Great work! The trim looks awesome, and that Volcano will be killer on this system!!!
Dansin - I purchased the fan from I have ordered from them quite a bit. They seem to have the best prices on the Panasonic fans. I have the 290 CFM in my fish room and I have a 320 CFM at my office. If you decide to go with the 320 CFM just a word of caution. It won't fit between standard 16" on center joists. I found out the hard way.

Thanks Bax - I can't wait to get the Volcano. I really wanted an external skimmer and wanted to be able to put almost all of my overflow through one. The Volcano will do the trick.
Thanks for the info i will check this site out i built the room myself and i can get in there if i need to,depends on how big the 320 cfm fan is thanks again.
My favorite people showed up on Friday and Saturday (UPS and FedEx). :)

I'm going to try my hand at building a couple of rock/foam structures. I've seen some great reefs on here with this combination. I decided to use West Systems epoxy instead of the hobby type epoxy resins just to be safe; since it's certified for potable water.


I also ordered this surface viewer. It's made by CPR. It should come in handy for taking pictures and working on rock work with the pumps going.


Skimmer Update: Scott has part of it built and said it should ship in a couple of weeks.
I also ordered 1/2 Acrylic rod from US Plastics to help hold the rock together.

I have a couple bags of crushed coral and sand to sprinkle on the epoxy.

Last week I sent one of my Vortechs to IceCap so they could update the firmware to Generation 2. It will have a couple of new pulse modes and night mode now. I purchased the new magnet kits; which should never rust.
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Great build. I love everything you've done except for that foam. I just can't appreciate the use of expandable foam in such an otherwise pristine natural environment. But, everyone has their own tastes.

Keep the updates coming.
Great build. I love everything you've done except for that foam. I just can't appreciate the use of expandable foam in such an otherwise pristine natural environment. But, everyone has their own tastes.

Oldtimer - It's funny you should mention the foam. Since I received all of the supplies I been thinking I'm not 100% sure I'm going to use them. I think I'm going to end up just purchasing more rock and use the acrylic rod to hold some of the taller sections together.
Any updated pics? Let's see what youy have going on. I love the trim you have around the tank. It looks awesome.
I think it's time for an update; I've been slacking. I finally got around to mounting the ballasts, Vortech controllers, battery backups, and the DC8. As well as clean up the cables. I cut a 3/4" piece of furniture grade plywood, painted it, and mounted it under the tank to give me a place to screw everything into.

Here are a few pics.




After mounting everything I realized I must really like IceCap products. :)

I lost my yellow tang a couple of weeks ago. He stopped eating a got very weak and thin. :( I had him for a couple of years so I'm not sure what happened to him. Everything else is doing good.

I spoke to Spazz a week or so ago and he is still working on my skimmer. I hope to have it soon.

I'm thinking about getting rid of my Lumenmax III's and replacing them with LumenBrights just to give me more room to work over the tank. Currently I can raise my light rack to give me access but it becomes a pain when I want to do something simple in the tank. If I switch to the LumenBrights I'll easily have 12 or more inches of clearance so I should rarely have to raise the light rack to do anything.

The big question is do I go with the LumenBright DE or SE version? I really like my Phoenix bulbs and I could just put them in the LumenBright DE. If I go with SE I would try the Reeflux 12K bulbs. What should I do?

I still have not got around to aquascaping the tank. Where does the time go?
More Pic's

Full Tank Shot - I haven't aquascaped yet. Please ignore the algae on the sides and back. I haven't cleaned it lately.


My Maroon Gold Striped Clown & RBTA. Her male partner is hiding under the anemone.


Pygmy Angelfish




Long tentacle plate coral
