My 300 gallon acrylic tank

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This is one hole I cut out for the overflow.Since there was 4 holes it made more sense to cut out a square.I had to cut threw the 2x4 that I had glued to the back.The plywood is still intact.
sorry some of the pics were blurry.I couldn't stick my head in the tank and one of the pics didn't come out that great.I was wondering if anyone used silicone one the rubber for the bulkhead.I plan to use some to make a better seal.
No silicone required:) Just as tight as you can get them by hand(just make sure the gasket doesn't press out from the bulkhead). I use it on the threads, but never on the acrylic.
The pvc pipie should glue straight in from what I see(into bulkhead).I may use female adapters but then I would have to teflon and tighten witch may then cause the bulkhead to loosen.I will see.I may use silicone on the nut.Then let it dry.I use this method on sinks(always on the bottom) helps seal them plus the nut won't move as easily.
Sorry, I mislead you:) I don't use silcone on the threads of the bulkhead, just threaded fittings here and there. It works better than the teflon tape:) IME(before I get in trouble)...
I have used silicone on threads works fine but you have to spread it with fingers and don't use to much.I thought of using it on bulkhead to make a better seal.Silicone will get pushed out then you go around the bulkhead and spread the silicone even.Then let it dry.I wasn't going to use to much.I do think it will add a better seal once it drys.
Steve try getting into display then taking pics :D this should comes out better ;) . i see you've been very busy working, everything looks very nice and clean. what did you use to drill the holes for display?
I don't remember witch brand I bought.The ones that came with the tank are not the same as the ones I bought.They seem fine I just think that I should glue the pipe straight in instead of using female adapters.Less threads less leaks.I wanted to use silicone more for long term.This way the rubber around the bulkhead has a seal and is protected from wear.If it doesn't need silicone then I won't use it.I used a hole saw kit to drill the tank with my cordless drill.I have enough drills and tools.I used a jigsaw to enlarge the holes on the stand.I wanted to make sure I had enough room the get in there.I have a basin wrench if the situation calls for one.This will allow me to tighten the bulkhead if more then my hand is needed.
These are the 3/4" and 1/2" bulkheads I bought for the overflow return line (from my sump.I don't think I will use the 1/2" since the hole in the overflow box is a little to small.
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