steve the plumb
In Memoriam
Elliott my return lines are 2 x 3/4" and the run through my overflow box.I don't know if its that.Sometimes it seems as if its coming from the sand.I don't know if my cl can be trapping air.I also have no baffles in my sump.I use filter socks to keep it clean plus I see that it helps calm the bubbles.I will add mj pumps once I get the mods I ordered just to get more flow in the opposite corners of the tank.I do think maybe I am getting some air bubbles coming back from my sump but I don't see them via my return lines.I looked at the return but you don't see bubbles at the surface.Its weird.What do dinos look like?I know its brown and it looks like brown algea.Its mostly on the sand.I thought its due to poor flow or bad water quality