My 300 Gallon Nightmare!!!

Some Fish & Sea Horses!!!

Some Fish & Sea Horses!!!





The seahorse lives in the refugium and eats glass shrimp and fortified live brine.

My refugium is really a second small tank with all kinds of cool creatures. I love it.

Keeping to my motto of "Stock Hard and Stock Fast", I have added about 60 acros and another handful of fish.

3 Cleaner Wrasses
1 Rosy Fairy Wrasse
1 Exquisite Wrasse
1 Eight Line Wrasse
1 Helfrichi Fire Fish (paired up)
1 Brazilian Seahorse
1 Yellow Seahorse

I have a total of 9 clams

Man what a crazy few weeks!! I am on a tear! I love to push limits and I certainly have here. This will be an interesting experiment either way. Stay tuned. I won't hold anything back.

Speaking of full disclosure, my beautiful Grey Angel has been acting very erratically for the last two days. I am sure all the new fish and corals have encroached on his space and he is showing signs of stress. He otherwise looks healthy and is eating but he pretty much stays in the front of the aquarium and loves to stay in the right corner. When he is there he twitches and acts not his normal placid wonderful self. I moved some pieces out of the aquarium to help relieve his stress. I feel sure that he will adapt to his new surroundings sooner than later. This fish had lived in a 90 gallon for the last 8 months and lived through a few negative events. He is very hearty.

However, his stress is being felt by the other fish. The Moorish Idol is his best friend ands they usually swim side by side throughout the tank. Now he is solo. I can detect some displeasure and confusion in the MI. This makes him react a little more aggressively towards the smaller fish and you can tell they are a little more erratic in their behavior. Most all of the fish are eating well, so I hope this will pass soon.

The Blonde naso has had some crypto spots that have morphed into something less uniform in shape. I am not sure what it is. A few of the other fish have a few spots of Ich. But there has not been a full blown outbreak. The hippo, the Labouti's Fairy wrasse, the purple tang all have one or two spots of ich. Not very unusual.

I don't treat for diseases nor do I quarantine. I believe both are way too stressful on all the inhabitants. The best course of action is to allow their own immune system to fight off the parasites or disease. I feed spectrum pellets soaked in garlic extreme and I feed some frozen food soaked in garlic as well as selcon once or twice a week. I feed live brine and ghost shrimp once a month. I focus on good water quality, UV and ozone to combat illness.

This protocol has been far superior than other methods discussed ad infintum on RC. Remember also that there is the stress of the owner, ME, to think about as well. If I were to get stressed out or overworked and my wife came home with rock all over the place trying to catch a fish and coral all over the place and another fish tank somewhere and me trying to keep the water quality and bio filter going, etc. etc. Then I would have been out of the hobby by now.

Sometimes, Rarely :p :p, but sometimes, LESS IS MORE!!!
Your coral stocking is an inspriration but stocking so hard and so fast fishwise is pretty risky. QT is a core principle in my reefing methodology and I think will always remain so.....
Very nice corals. Do you buy them locally or via the net?

I love the Blue Montipora Danae. At least that is what I think it is. I really had no idea and was going to ask you when I saw the name in the link to the image.


I'm in tank's a been up considerably longer and looks nothing like that yet. I love the color of some of your corals!
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7320219#post7320219 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Lunchbucket
you doing an QT'ing of your new coral purchases? RB treatment or AEFW treatments?


No Quarantine of anything in my tank. I drip everything and then place in the aquarium. I feel the stress is what is primarily the cause of disease and being in the main tank is the least stressful for my livestock and me.

As far as dips, I have no experience with dipping but I purchased a dipping solution and intend to use it on future purchases. I don't have a comfort level with the product yet, so I plan on waiting for a more experienced friend to come and show me how they do it.

I plan on posting some pics soon. Thanks for your interest and continued support.

Very nice setup. I'm in the Daytona area and am looking at having a custom 375 built. could you tell me who made your tank and how to get in touch with them?

AEFW= Acropora Eating FlatWorm. Travis was recently battling with them in his 280g, and the SPS forum has a few threads about it you might want to read.
as as much as money has spent in all your animals (from acros until fish)?

congratulations your tank is very beutiful
Att: FER

Its been a few weeks without pics, an update on the new inhabitants would be great.

Thanks and looking forward to coming by and seeing the tank.