My 300 Gallon Nightmare!!!



Rosy Fin Fairy Wrasse!!!










It looks really good, Richard. Let's hope the tank and livestock handle the "rapid reef" setup you employed. Stability is key at this point.
The tank is looking great, the corals and fish have acclimated very well. I'm going to mount some more pieces next week now that they've had a chance to settle in. I've been out of town this week so I haven't had time to take pics but have something even better.
I had a webcam installed that is amazing, it can pan, tilt, and zoom into the polyps on the acros. I can't give control to this site as more than one person will look at it at a time. It is also set to refresh a frame every 3 seconds to help on bandwidth. Let me know what you guys think, click the link below and then enter
User Name - guestuser
Password - bocareef
Sorry to hijack this thread a bit - but I have a question for Marc. Marc, Did you receive my email request for you to help me build a sump? I am not sure if this is your correct email address:

As for your tank, Richard, I have read the entire thread and it is absolute amazing!! Very very inspirational especally for a new comer like me. Your dedication to this tank is commendable. Keep up the good work :-).

Yes, that is the correct address. What email did you email me from, and I'll locate your message and reply to you privately.
By the way, to view the live webcam, please click on "Single" button at the top of the page that loads. If you want to see additional detail, please post on this thread and I will zoom in or out and move the camera left or right, up or down.

Veasna, thank you for reading the whole thread and kind words. I appreciate all the support I have received on RC and especially all that I have learned in a relatively short time.

By the way, you are in excellent hands with Melev. I highly recommend his excellent advice, website and acrylic work. Good luck!
Marc, I have just sent you a quick message via PM. The subject of my email is "Need your help on building a sump for 180g Tank". You can search for "vheng" for the email. Thanks, -Veasna.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7441678#post7441678 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by MacnReef
This must be the best set-up on RC!!!!! Great Job!!!!


You are much too kind!! I am sorry to all of you for not posting more photos recently, but have been crazy busy.

I am having some trouble with some very fine microbubbles in the tank that we are having a lot of trouble locating the source. We are working on it now and hopefully we will come up with a solution shortly.

Also, it is very difficult to get good shots of the tank or its inhabitants with the curved glass. Working on that as well.

I have added a few neat fish to the aquarium.
Regal Angel
Large Blonde Naso
Male Squimp anthias
Pair of Dispar Anthias
Pink Tail Trigger

The corals are doing extremely well considering the high bioload and the short length of time the tank has been up and running.

I had to remove most of the clams because the Moorish Idol was doing some serious damage to the clams. I also had to remove some ancanthastreas because the grey angel was taking chunks out of them.

I introduced a new Moorish Idol to the tank last week. I have been very excited about the good health and apetite of the Moorish Idol I have currently and I thought I would pair him up.

Well, I purchased the new MI from and received him in excellent health and great weight. After acclimating him, I placed him in the tank and what do you know...the two got along great...swimming around together and everything. Then...ten minutes later, the larger of the two, the one I've had for eight months started nudging the new guy. Then nipping, then a straight out attack!! We quickly removed the new guy and placed him in another tank. There were a few moments of excitement and pride when I first introduced the new MI turned to horror when he was attacked.

There is very little known about MI in captivity and I hope that this anecdote will add to the information that is available to the hobby. I certainly would not draw firm conclusions from this episode, but i would not introduce another MI into my current tank.

Anybody have a similar experience? Please let me know.

Another really interesting story. I was missing my Labout's wrasse for about three weeks and presumed him to be dead. He is a fairly large fish at 4-5" and so I found it funny that there was no trace of him. Dead or alive. He also seemed in excellent health. I thought that maybe a giant bristle star got to him. Anyway, I was checking my sump as usual one day last week and found to my astonishment the Labouts swimming in between the baffles!

He must have jumped into the overflow box which has an extemely small opening due to the overlapping eurobracing, and eventually found his way to the drain pipe and into my sump. Now, this is no easy task. There are two overflows with two 2" inch drains. Both have ball valves attached to direct the flow into the refugium or the filter bag. There is no way that he could have gotten into the refugium because the pvc narrows to 3/4". The only other path is to the other drain. However this is no easy task either. There is a valve that redirects water to the filter bag or to a small square tube that contains live rock rubble to dissipate bubbles. I don't know how he made it but I am glad that he did!