Well its been a month since I last put pictures up of my 5.5 gal. Last week I was on spring break and left my tank at school for 9 days and after coming back everything was still doing perfectly fine. Glad it passed that test.
Here is a picture of my War Paint Clown Goby that is the only resident of my tank, since coming back from break he comes out and sits in the front more often, before he would hide behind all the rock in the back corner of the tank and never saw him.
Also after coming back I found a new superman, green, purple, and ricordea mushroom as the original mushrooms moved and left part of their foot behind. Here is a picture of the ricordea as it has broken off 3 times since I put him in this tank.
While I was home on break I picked up some North Star zoas and before I came back to school I decided to frag them and take a piece to school and leave another piece at my tank at home. While fragging the one zoanthids mat wouldnt cut away completely and when the pieces seperated it ripped the zoanthid right down the center. I fragged it on the 13th and just expected that it would probably die pretty quick. But so far it hasnt shown any signs of melting away. Here are some pictures of the zoanthid I am talking about, it is the one on the front right of the frag.
Seems like it is still doing ok as it is opening and closing fine, just going to keep watching it as time goes on.
I will post more pictures of coral growth in a couple days after I clean the front glass and do a water change.