Premium Member
Hey mate. Its good that the STN has stopped. With no more bright white patches/spots it sure means the STN has ceased. Fingers crossed for you that things go well from this point on.
Your observation regarding the great number of herbivores on the reefs is spot on. All these companies have products that basically strip the water of all goodies in the tank...the crap still stays in the tank. Hence why there are so many pale SPS threads or threads about SPS issues. I think feeding the tank well and having a good clean up crew is a very good idea.
Due to having a small tank I cannot have the variety of herbivores as I would like, but for my next tank this is going to change.
That is the most beautiful Porcelain crab I have ever seen mate! The fact its still living and has even molted means he is getting plenty of food.
Hi mate, yep i definitely find things a lot easier to manage in my systems when i have crazy numbers of turbo snails munching away at all the algae my heavy feeding produces.
:lol: roller coaster is an understatement!!!...I just need to settle at some point . I'm convinced about the need to feed, just need to step up the filtration to manage it. Still getting algae on the glass within a day or two.
Those anthias look pretty tough. I've had a lot of luck with pseudanthias marcia, looks almost identical except for the red spots that I've seen on pics online. I've had the best success with those, with the others I've failed miserably.....
Now that Sahin pointed it out, that is by far the best looking porcelain crab I've ever seen
I'm getting heavy algae dusting every 24 hours at the moment, i think i've disrupted a few things ripping the sand out. I was also wondering if the low salinity was helping keep the algae down a bit and now the water is more like it should be perhaps the algae is liking it as much as the corals...... no idea but it's possible i guess.
The anthias are still alive fingers crossed. That is the best looking crab all of us will never see i think. :spin2:
GL with recovering.
I dont think that in tank with flow blowing 3mm sand around would be any spot for BTA to be happy.
Very good point mate, the anemone idea has been shelved. :beer:
Bigglemuda Triangle - Classic, might be the word of 2014.
Weird stuff goes on in reef tanks Marty............ at least it does in mine :spin3:
So i threw the 400W back on today, nothing much has changed since the last update. I did finally see nitrates at 0.5 on the Salifert kit yesterday which might be due to me feeding the new fish 4-5 times a day lol. Still have lots of slimy green algae and daily glass cleaning required so the water is still polluted with fertilizers.
The clownfish likes to point out algae spots on the glass i missed cleaning........ he's not happy.......