Oh man...you are definitely having a crazy time with your tank!
It does tend to prove my point about acros being a lot tougher than many realise though lol.........the acros and i are sharing an adventure ride lately.
My vote is on Bello.
It's always Bello's fault Marty, he just accepts it now and takes the hit lol.
Nice tank like you're sps how they growing!!
Thanks very much mate.
Hi Biggles :bdaysmile:
Just to say hello and to give you a few encouraging words.
Not so good period for your tank and I'm sending you some good karma
We've learnt so much from your thread and wish your tank a fast recovery.
We want to learn even more, so keep on with your incredible work
Greetings from Croatia from me & my reefers :wave:
Hi Sonny, thanks so much for the kind words mate

Things are settling down and looking better slowly so i'm just leaving the tank alone and letting everything adjust.
I had a Croation reefer friend years ago who used to shake his fist at his powder blue tang that was bullying other fish and swear at it in Croatian - you can tell when someone is swearing at a fish no matter what the language lol. Hi to you and all your reef buddies in Croatia, does everyone in Croatia swear at their fish btw.......
I think its Kevin the Koala taking revenge on Biggles's tank because of the flying lessons Biggles made him take.
However, I also send you lots of good Karma to counter the Kevins voodoo magic antics.
Has stuff cleared up now? Are the SPS looking ok?
Most stuff is looking slightly better but a few acros continue to suddenly STN on a few tips out of the blue and then stop. A few days later another tip suddenly peels off........ the fluoro aculeus pieces are doing it which is really annoying me. The blue stag has made no attempt to encrust over the dead areas and is still shut down and showing filament bundles in corallites so i ignore that one now lol, when he starts behaving i might give a toss.
The SSC that always had a cream and pink coloration is now as green and pink as the other one i have - no idea if the water change did it or the salinity change.
Very beautiful. I am very sorry for your losses. I hate when accidents wipe out tanks, especially tanks as beautiful as this.
Thanks mate, it's not a disaster just a glitch along the road
Since my reefing adventure at the moment sees me going up sh*t creek with no paddles, I decided to sabotage biggles. For the voodoo bit, it woulda been easy, find biggleslike looking doll and voila!....Only thing is, I have no clue what biggles looks like, let alone find a biggles doll. Fortunately, Koala toys are sold all over the damn world, and since they're dim witted, ergo....Beware of the "Kevin", biggles
How's things coming along today, biggles? It always happens like this, over the last year, I've removed my entire aquascape 3 times to catch a bloody fish....reefing roller coaster style :lol:
I find it strange that you went to the LFS to return the clowns, and returned home empty-handed.... something's not right :smokin:. You're not being sneaky are you?
Any improvements on the nutrient levels? I'm having an irritating time there, as well.
BTW, Sahin, my "FTS less" tank buddy, isn't it about time now?
You and i are the only ones to qualify for roller coaster membership at this stage Bello, it's a rather elite club tbh......:facepalm:
The LFS is close but has no SPS so it's basically good for water and food and nothing much else. My two SPS stores are hours away which is why i haven't been acro shopping in months.
They had an anthia which was white with yellow spots and looked amazing except it had bad ich, tattered fins and was breathing hard - $250- ! When i see things like that i feel a bit guilty about the hobby - to see a little fish that beautiful days away from death sucks.
The LFS guy and i had a brief conversation about the fish and the fact that it was being neglected and in with other fish all for sale instead of a treatment tank which ended in me questioning his status on the evolutionary tree...... in the end he decided it would be best if i no longer frequented the store and i agreed.
The water is almost cleaned up now so things should settle soon mate, cleaning out the neglected sump dump helped a lot i think as it was something of a detritus soup settling pond lol.
Whilst on the subject of being banned from stores i shall have a small ramble.....
That was the second LFS banning in Melbourne, years ago i was banned from another big sick fish selling store but i still giggle to myself in an evil way when i think about it - i have no morals so yes i did do something bad in case you're wondering.
I told a newbie when the salesman went to get a bag that the 'pair bonding' displays by the fish was actually ich irritating the dust covered 2" blue tangs. He told the salesman off when he came back and then the salesman called me a smart arse and told me to keep my 'opinions' to myself or stay out of the shop. My wife squeezed my hand hard so i shutup and said 'fair enough' - biggles was seething with reefer rage inside !
On Mondays this store has a skeleton staff of young guys who do all the tank cleaning and maintenance but they know nothing about the large marine section. biggles starts visiting only on Mondays to avoid the inevitable clash that will happen when the wife isn't present. ( evil biggles talks in the third person btw )
About 6 weeks after biggles was upset he walks in and comes across a display tank holding three 3" electric blue maxima clams under 2 x 2ft actinic T8 tubes. biggles was murmuring quietly and drooling a bit however he knew they were $145- last time he saw them there so he could only afford one. The only thing written on the tank were the words ' ALL FAVIA'S $45- '
At this point evil biggles took full control of the situation and i was just an observer really. He called the young goofy looking store guy over and asked ' how much are these ' - being careful not to use the word clam. The guy puts his finger on the words and says ' they're $45- each '
stop reading now if you want avoid reading what a terrible thing biggles did many years ago.
biggles works hard to prevent the guilty smile forming on his lips and tells the kid he'll take all three. The kid walks 10 yds to the bag drawer and just when biggles thinks it's all going well the assistant manager who does know his stuff walks up to him and asks what he's bagging. He looks at me and says ' three favias for that guy '. The guy knows my face and waves to me before saying to the kid so i could hear..............
KNOCK FIVE BUCKS OF EACH ONE SINCE HE'S BUYING THREE and waves at me again as he walks off to the other end of the store.
I told my wife what evil biggles did as soon as she came home from work and she was as disgusted in what evil biggles had done as i was. Evil biggles was pointed out and asked to discuss the matter in a private room with two staff next visit which he declined, he instead suggested they stick their clams somewhere clams aren't meant to go and was promptly banned from the store.
I know it was dishonest and all that but you play with biggles fire - you get burned. ( and banned ) Don't ever do anything like i did, i mean evil biggles did.........