I have one of those! He has some huge claws! I bought two of them, Trapezia sp., and the one flourishes and the other got evicted from my stylo/pocci island by the first to live a life of misery. He had at one point a leaf of algea growing on his carapace the size of 3cm diameter. Then he died, god rests his soul.If any of you want to pick your toughest acro crab out and bring it around we'll drop it in the horrida and watch my boy kick the carapace out of it. His name is KONG :strooper:
Not only do i have crabs, i have a very big one too........... that is all i have to say about crabs.
@ troubadour
Are you confident that it was a whole pistol shrimp and not just his cuticula left after molting? Pistol shrimps usually don't explore the upper parts (like overflow) of the tank.
On the other note I use the kalkwasser for my ATO and it keeps my Ca at 420. For alkalinity I use sodium carbonate dosed via peristaltic pump under Reef Angel control.
loyal reader of biggles's thread.
Thanks for the rock photo mate. Most of the rocks that we get these days in the UK are solid lumps of crap.
That pink acro looks very nice. Love the colour on that one. :thumbsup:
Talking about losing fish. A month ago I lost my Siamese fighter and man, I mourned the loss of that fish. I taught him tricks gave him tummy rubs and spent hours manicuring the plants in his tank. When I got him he was blue and he changed colour to a pink/red/electric blue combo, he was stunning. And then he went down hill, losing sight in one eye, loss of apatite and then losing control of his ability to swim straight. It was heart breaking watching him in such a sad place, I had to put him out of his misery with a needle to the head. I didn't want to do it but it was not fair for him to suffer. Sorry for going off coarse but I had to get that off my chest. R.I.P Charlie![]()
Hey biggles, so what powerheads are you running on the tank now. I'm ditching vortech's as the direction is non existant. Things are looking good by the way, better than my meltdown.
My latest pic, trying to sniff out any flesh left
Bigs, Sorry to hear about your mandarin. It really sucks.
Thanks Marty, yes it really does suck big time mate.
I have been away on vacation for 2 weeks, first thing i did when returning to my computer was reading this thread. It has a big entertainment value
Sorry about the loss of the mandarin, they are beutiful creatures to be sure
I have one of those! He has some huge claws! I bought two of them, Trapezia sp., and the one flourishes and the other got evicted from my stylo/pocci island by the first to live a life of misery. He had at one point a leaf of algea growing on his carapace the size of 3cm diameter. Then he died, god rests his soul.
My Trapezia has, as i said, an island of bigger pocci/stylos/seriatopora where he can hide and he travels the island frequently. Very amusing!
You can se him in the rainbow pocci here:
Hey ormet
I'm glad to find another SPS crab lover who appreciates the funny little lives they lead in the reef. I can see the guy you're talking about but i bet most won't lol. I need to get some pics of some of my acro crabs doing their thing in the acros.
You can see how close to the bottom some of the acros are now the sand is back in. Colors are still weird and off but the small frags i put on the rock tip have exploded with tip growth recently. The base tissue is as disgusting colored as it looks in the pic, dirty olive brown. The white with blue polyp acro is grey with blue polyps but getting whiter slowly. The purpley blue and fluoro polyped thing is pooey looking but growing again, at the top of the encrusting area you can see where it stung the coralline algae last night by the stark white death ring at the acro's edge. I can only have 1/2" of sand around it or i'll bury tissue, it grows down and loves very low light.
Well, anything is possible. The pistol shrimp was a fairly new acquisition and I haven't seen it molt yet. So I can't say I know from experience what it looks like. But I have seen the Cleaner Shrimp molt... and lots of freshwater shrimp/crabs molt. I'm fairly confident it was the little bugger.
It DEFINITELY was the living version swimming around that morning. No doubt about that. I watched it for a bit because I thought it was odd and it concerned me. As for what came out of the return line.... again, pretty sure it was a dead carcass. I've never seen Nassarius snails turn into a bulging pile of snail orgy on top of the cleaner shrimp molts before. Typically the only thing interested in the cleaner molts are the bristle worms. And the Nassarius only like meat. They're little zombies!
But it is possible. Maybe it'll pop back out of the rock work. But if I was into betting... I'd bet it's in the bellies of the cleaner and snails from what I saw.
Thanks for the tips on the kalkwasser and such. I was hoping I could keep my levels in line without needing to add equipment on right now. That's why I was looking into those solutions. So I'll check it out a little bit more. But good to know it sounds like a viable solution to get me started as the system "grows into it's own shoes." :beer: I may have to look into your world a bit more... a fellow Reef Angel user.I've just been busting my head on coding my new LEDs through the RA lately.
But I'll avoid anymore of that here for now... I think biggles hates christmas lights (leds) as much as green corals LOL :smokin: ;-)
I'm going to go now before I get Kevin sent after me. :lol2::strooper:
Looking good Biggles - color seems to have finally come back!
The type of reef methodology you practice has a large impact on the growth and colors displayed by your acros, you only have to look at the beautiful pastel colors a full on zeo display takes on - stunning. The Berlin type method i use gives you deep saturated colors on everything even if you don't want it lol. I guess it just depends on what look you're after when it comes to the method you decide to use.
Me sneaky ? Talk about the pot calling the kettle black lol - you should start a bloody business teaching reef sneakiness Bello, you'd make a fortune :lol2: Btw i'm starting to suspect that Sahin is your disciple........ he's up to no bloody good lately with all his questions and made up display.......:debi:
I'm watching you guys................ :strooper:
That ugly thing front left is the only new piece, the other one behind it is the crazy purple piece i had at the front ages ago, see what it looks like under disco lights lol. I moved it months back and then accidentally knocked it off the rock it was on months back and since then it's been laying on the sand or thrown in the sump depending on my mood lol. I can't find a spot to put it and tbh it looked twice as colorful top down as it was front on so that's why it's neglected in the sump. I'm surprised no one ever asked where it went tbh lol. The other acro is the one i glued upside down to see what happens ages ago.
I want to run 2ft T5's over the 20x20" frag section so i can have lower lighting mornings and evenings, the 250 Radium will be full on bright so i've decided mellow T5's will work best. I was thinking either 2 x double light fixtures or a single six tube fixture, what do you think. The water is only 10" deep and bare in mind that there's a 99.99% chance i will turn it into a crazy full blown SPS nano so i'm leaning towards six tubes.
The opening the fixture/s will have to fit through is 20" or 50cm wide so i might be able to fit 3 double units side by side as they will be sticking out the cabinet side being 3-4" longer than the actual 20x20x10" frag section.
The acros are slowly recovering, growth is still almost non existent but the pigments are brightening up well from the drab hue most had for the last 6-8 weeks. I'm running the 400W Radium for 8 hours now and the T5's and LED's for 12 hours each day.
A few friends commented on how blue the tank and room was when visiting, to me it looks white when all the lights are on but that's just my brain making auto color adjustments to make things look more 'normal' to me lol. I went outside and looked in at the tank and this is how blue the tank and room really are in reality - i see normal room lighting with a slight hint of blue on the wall near the display when i'm sitting on the couch. The painted brick walls on the outside are pale baby blue btw - no idea why anyone would paint a bloody house that color but that's what it is. The white ute is the salt water picker upperer vehicle
I finally did what i've been wanting to do for ages, i removed the red table from the arch top as it was way too big to go up there and it was blocking a big chunk of the acros at the back from view. The new WP-40 blows a lot more water and the spread is wider than the WP-25 so the flow was taking tissue off the tables edge corallites as i simply could fit the flow between the rock valley anymore so something had to give and my crazy amount of flow wasn't going to be it. It's in the sump now having a major 'what the' moment lol. I replaced the big bald spot with a SSC frag....... well actually i put 6 SSC frags there but whose counting.....
Took a pic under just the T5's and LED's of the post red table removal so be prepared for a gratuitous FTS. I removed as much blue as possible and desaturated the colors until the yellow tang's color was under saturated btw, it's pretty hard to color adjust B+ T5's and a blue LED light bar illuminating a display. :rolleye1: In real life you can see about 5-6 more acros in detail when looking at the display from the couch now and that's my main viewing angle since i have my bum planted there almost permanently :lol2:
Thanks Biggles. Yeh I'll replace him, probably with a black crown betta. I just love them![]()
Wow, the tank looks like it's starting to settle back down after the latest rollercoaster ride! It's looking pretty good to me at least :thumbsup:
And thanks for all the info and tips on the kalk/supplements. I won't go into details here, I'll save that pollution from hitting your thread and all those reading it. ;-) But I've grabbed some Brightwell Equatics supplements when I was at the store yesterday and have some food grade pickling lime on it's way. Time to get these levels in line as quickly as safely possible... because, ummm... well... as of yesterday, there's lots more stuff that needs it now :eek2:
OH! I have a photo request for you when you have the time. My Mrs. and I were talking about encrusting montipora and acros yesterday. Do you have any good and interesting spots right now showing how acros can and do encrust some? But not really to the level of an encrusting monti. Obviously google can show us a monti, but I could use a good example of acros encrusting some.
I know there was that one, a while back that you shared, with the "war zone wall." I can dig that up later, but I bet you have another SCC encrusting gem or something in there :smokin: that you'd like to share. :beer:
My lights are just kicking on now.... time to go watch the sunrise over my new stuff :spin3:
Looking very good, Biggles. The sps nano frag sounds like me. Its going to end up a second tank. Worth it, but a complete lie from what I told the girlfriend.
Me: "Babe, I'm building a tank for when the corals start growing and I need to trim them..."
GF: "Sure as long as it's just for what you grow..."
Me: "What? Sorry, I was looking at these corals online. Yeah babe, only for what I grow out in the biocube..."
The best intentions... Right?
Me sneaky ? Talk about the pot calling the kettle black lol - you should start a bloody business teaching reef sneakiness Bello, you'd make a fortune. Btw i'm starting to suspect that Sahin is your disciple........ he's up to no bloody good lately with all his questions and made up display.......:debi:
I'm watching you guys................ :strooper:
I want to run 2ft T5's over the 20x20" frag section so i can have lower lighting mornings and evenings, the 250 Radium will be full on bright so i've decided mellow T5's will work best. I was thinking either 2 x double light fixtures or a single six tube fixture, what do you think. The water is only 10" deep and bare in mind that there's a 99.99% chance i will turn it into a crazy full blown SPS nano so i'm leaning towards six tubes.
The opening the fixture/s will have to fit through is 20" or 50cm wide so i might be able to fit 3 double units side by side as they will be sticking out the cabinet side being 3-4" longer than the actual 20x20x10" frag section.
Took a pic under just the T5's and LED's of the post red table removal so be prepared for a gratuitous FTS. I removed as much blue as possible and desaturated the colors until the yellow tang's color was under saturated btw, it's pretty hard to color adjust B+ T5's and a blue LED light bar illuminating a display. In real life you can see about 5-6 more acros in detail when looking at the display from the couch now and that's my main viewing angle since i have my bum planted there almost permanently
Haven't you heard of double standards biggles?. Sahin's the master of sneakiness BTW, his tank is still a mystery :lol: